The Podcast Election
Audio Recording by George Hahn
I’m still in my pajamas — haven’t changed since Tuesday night. I’m also drinking a fair amount and toggling between Netflix shows: Nobody Wants This, which is pleasant but über cliche (i.e., stupid); and Monsters, which, as the father of two boys, I find just plain disturbing. In sum, for me, it’s Covid again. Even my stocks are going up … so 2021.
I’ve received 22 emails in the past 24 hours (when I’m down, I obsess over inconsequential data as a coping mechanism) asking for my thoughts on the election. My reflexive desire, or megalomaniacal belief, that I can comfort strangers, leads me to remind them that “nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems,” and that the U.S. remains the U.S. — the richest and freest country on Earth. This election was neither what I wanted nor expected, but I’m still very much looking forward to moving back to America.
I just read the previous paragraph, and it’s sort of true. Sort of. My disbelief and despair are shapeshifting to anger. A narcissist (President Biden) crowned an untested candidate and asked her, in 107 days, to overcome the crises of immigration and inflation and the burden of an unpopular incumbency. When two-thirds of the country says we’re on the wrong track, there’s no way someone from the current administration can credibly claim to be a change agent, much less the disruptor people are looking for in an age of rage.
I am going on AC360/MSNBC/Smerconish to discuss the male vote — this election gave us the opposite of the expected referendum on bodily autonomy; it was the Testosterone Election. The only thing I’m (fairly) certain of is what medium played a pivotal role, for the first time, in young people’s decision to violently pivot to Trump: podcasts. And that’s what this post is about.
New(er) Media
New forms of media periodically reshape our culture and politics. FDR mastered radio, JFK leveraged TV, and Reagan nailed cable news. Obama energized young voters via the internet. Trump hijacked the world’s attention on Twitter. This year it was podcasting. The three biggest media events of this fall were the debate and Harris and Trump’s respective appearances on Call Her Daddy and The Joe Rogan Experience.
Almost half of adult Americans, 136 million people, listen to at least one podcast a month. The global audience is now 505 million, a quarter of the internet’s reach. When Trump went on Joe Rogan, Lex Fridman, and This Past Weekend w/Theo Von, he was embracing the manosphere and riding a tectonic shift in media: The most efficient way to reach the largest and most persuadable audience (i.e., young men) is via podcast. Nothing comes close.
Reach and Focus
Rogan has 16 million Spotify subscribers and can reach many more people across a variety of other platforms: In just three days after the live podcast, his three-hour-long conversation with Trump was viewed 40 million times on YouTube. The audio downloads likely exceeded 15 million. There will be a lot of second-guessing re what the Harris campaign should have done. Getting on a plane to Austin to visit Rogan would have been a layup.
Lamestream Media
By comparison, when Trump appeared on Fox News’ Gutfeld!, which averages about 3 million viewers, he reached 5 million people, and the full episode has been viewed 2.3 million times on YouTube. To reach as many people as he did via Rogan, Trump would have had to do at least three separate one-hour hits on cable TV shows with numbers comparable to Gutfeld! There are only a handful of those, and they’re all on Fox, the top-rated cable news channel. Any other news network would have been a waste of his time. The typical viewership for CNN is below 1 million, and CNBC’s is less than 100k.
Anyway, the comparison is apples to cocaine. Specifically, the audience on the pods is not only exponentially bigger, but also much more valuable (i..e, younger, more male, and more persuadable). What if a campaign could gather the tens of millions of undecided or persuadable voters who may/may not vote and put their candidate in front of them for three hours in an environment that sets the candidate up for success? The Trump campaign achieved this by prioritizing podcasts.
Catheter TV
Among Fox’s 3.5 million regular viewers, 70% are 50 and over and 45% are women. The No. 2 cable network, MSNBC, reaches 1.5 million viewers most days; its median viewer is a 70-year-old woman. So: a big audience of young men vs. a small audience of older women. People listen to pods to learn; they watch cable TV to sanctify what they already believe. The former is (much) more appealing to candidates and advertisers.
Rogan’s demographic is 80% male, 93% under 54, and 56% under 34. Men under 34 are the Great White Rhinos of advertising, the most valuable beast in the consumer jungle, and they’re increasingly difficult to find. The average listener to my Prof G podcast is 35, male, and makes about $150k a year. This is an audience I sometimes — affectionately! — call stupid. They have disposable incomes and are in the meeting-and-mating years, meaning they’re prone to buying all kinds of high-margin stuff to try to increase their sexual attractiveness.
They’re also the cohort ambitious politicians want to reach. Both Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips, who launched a short-lived primary challenge to Biden, and Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton, who loudly called on the president to drop out after his disastrous debate performance, have come on the Prof G pod and been nice to me, and they’ll likely come back. It’s not my charm. Both want to be president and recognize they have to build name recognition with young men. The calculus is simple math: Just as newspapers lost relevance to Google and Meta, cable news is losing relevance to podcasts.
Money Follows Attention
We have transitioned from a fossil-fuel-based economy to an attention economy, full stop. If you command attention, revenue will follow. Note: The best-performing tech IPO of 2024 is the fourth-most-trafficked site in the U.S., yet the company was valued at only $5.7b when it debuted on the Nasdaq seven months ago. Since then the market cap of Reddit (Nasdaq: RDDT) is up 274%. The only ad-supported medium growing as fast as Meta, TikTok, Alphabet, and (now) Reddit is podcasting. Podcasting revenue grew 18% this year, similar to Alphabet (15%) and Meta (17%).
Podcasts’ share of attention is well ahead of their share of ad revenue. This delta will converge. I believe podcast revenue is going to grow faster than that of every other digital platform, with the possible exception of TikTok. My guess is that, next year, pods’ ad revenue will grow by 20+%. Listenership will continue to grow as well, and the ARPU, like those of Meta and Alphabet, will increase dramatically, too, as advertisers discover this is where young, successful consumers have been hiding. Podcast CPMs now are about $18 for a 30-second ad and $25 for a 60-second ad.
When people approach me in the wild, it’s easy to discern where they’ve been exposed to my content. A high five and some bro-ey banter, video. If they greet me like a friend they haven’t seen in a while, podcast.
It’s a very intimate medium. You are physically in somebody’s ear, in a private setting — washing the dishes, working out, walking the dog. It’s just you and them. That’s one reason advertisers like podcasts, as the audience’s “I’m being sold to” screen is more porous. A listener’s guard isn’t up. Tom Brokaw never had that kind of relationship with his audience.
That level of intimacy also makes podcasting a great medium for interviews. In his conversation with Rogan, Trump seemed unusually relaxed and comfortable, a guy you could grab a beer with. And that’s typical for a pod. The medium has a zeitgeist where hosts generally try to present their guests in a good light. Unlike cable TV, the hosts aren’t looking for a gotcha moment; we let the guest “run.”
Initially, people accused pods of being … radio. They aren’t. Pods aren’t shackled to the clock, for the listener or the podcaster; they’re on-demand (i.e.,streaming). And hosts decide how much time a topic deserves, or doesn’t. Think about this: One of the key commercial advantages of movies over TV was the producers’ control over the cadence and length of their content; they didn’t have the 21- or 41-minute guardrails that network TV later imposed. Rogan thought Trump’s story was worth three hours of his audience’s time, not one or four. TV anchors and radio hosts are asked to create differentiated art using a one-size canvas.
Talent Sits on the Iron Throne
Broadcasters sink a lot of capital into state-of-the-art studios, satellite trucks, transmitters, fiber optic cables, people, etc. Podcasts don’t need any of that stuff. That capex was a moat that created leverage for the networks and their shareholders, who captured most of the medium’s profits. They controlled the means of production. The moat’s now been crossed.
When I go on CNN or another TV network, I travel to a studio staffed by numerous skilled technical people. The network pays their salaries and benefits, and gives them offices and snacks. A decent TV studio can easily run $400k. It’s also inefficient. My show on CNN+ (weak flex) took a dozen or more people the better part of a week to pull together 21 minutes of content. AWESOME content … but still.
Now my studio looks like a pretentious footballer’s Dopp kit. I doubt it cost $1k. Assembled by my tech guy, Drew, it travels with me everywhere. Any place that has broadband, or even just cell reception, I have a studio that can produce content. I’d speculate a third of my podcasts are done from somewhere other than my (home) studio. Think about how efficient this is. It enables me to host or co-host three pods a week and appear on many more. That kind of portability wasn’t physically possible pre-Covid. Meanwhile, net neutrality ensures that any podcast I go on is available to anyone, anytime. There is no technical reason I could not, in theory, reach every one of the 5.25 billion humans on the planet with a digital device.
In broadcast and cable TV, the platform has always been bigger than the talent. In podcasting, it’s the other way around. There is little sustainable enterprise value in a podcast company; what matters isn’t capex or infrastructure, it’s talent. That’s why a lot of individual podcasters are getting rich, but not a lot of podcast company shareholders.
All you really need to start is a computer and an internet connection. You don’t have to run the obstacle course of suits you’d encounter trying to get into TV or radio or any other old media. Which is another reason advertisers love podcasts: There are fewer hands in the talent’s pocket and fewer hands in their pockets, resulting in a greater ROI on ad spend.
Low capex means the profits can be enormous once a podcaster covers the costs of producing two pods a week (e.g., two or three producers and a part-time sound engineer). The Prof G podcast portfolio (Prof G, Prof G Markets, Raging Moderates) will register 2025 revenue of approximately $10m. We employ five producers, two analysts, and a technical director/sound engineer. Few businesses garner $1m+ per employee. Pivot, the podcast I co-host with Kara Swisher, does more revenue, with even fewer resources. (Note: Vox, our distribution partner, is responsible for ad sales.)
The pods that make the jump to lightspeed (covering their fixed costs) — and few do — are very profitable businesses. The best part? A: As I have a great team, with some people I’ve worked with for a decade or more, I spend 8-12 hours (total) per week on the pods. The leverage on (my) time is substantial. The cocktail of broad reach and low overhead translates to more for less for advertisers and talent.
Winner Take Most (Everything)
All the moons have lined up, and podcasting is on an upward spiral. But as with most everything digital, podcasting is a winner-take-most/all proposition, because everyone has access to … everyone. A scant handful of pods, those with the biggest listenerships, capture nearly all the ad revenue. By some estimates, of the 600k podcasts that produce content each week, the top 10 get half the revenue. Put another way, to build a business in podcasting that pays people well and keeps the attention of a host with high opportunity cost(s), you likely need to be in the top 0.1% by listenership.
Math Is Fun
The odds of success are admittedly long. If you’re a high school drama student who goes on to join SAG-AFTRA, you’re 2x more likely to win an Academy Award than have a sustainable pod. As a member of UCLA’s crew team, I was 3.5x more likely to end up in the Olympics than telling dick jokes (and making a good living) on a successful podcast. I could do this all day …
The political power of podcasting is only beginning to be felt. This election was supposed to be a referendum on bodily autonomy: It wasn’t. Historically, the candidate who raises the most money wins: She didn’t. In each election the victor is likely to be whoever best weaponizes an emerging medium: He did. By far the most potent media weapon this time was podcasting.
Life is so rich,
P.S. Jessica Tarlov and I discuss the election results on a special Friday edition of Raging Moderates available on Spotify and Apple podcasts.
P.P.S. Section is hosting a free event on AI safety and the risks of AGI with the executive director of the Center for AI Safety, Dan Hendrycks, on Nov. 21. AI that can do what we do is closer than you think, so join this free event and learn something.
I appreciate your focus on young men and the attention that you give to that group. Please enlighten, what this group of young white men doing to help themselves. In my perspective, this group by enlarge are used to having things done for them and have had the privilege of an unfair playing field. The results of the elections, seems that they came out in droves to ensure they hold on to the dominance accustomed to. I’ve raised three thriving young women that work hard against odds to get ahead and still struggle in their late twenties to level that playing field for opportunities of economic prosperity. My daughters as you mentioned in your newsletter, engaged and college educated. Unfortunately, faced a heartfelt disappointment that women may not have a place in this country to reach their aspirations no matter how capable, competent and qualified they are. The election results have affirmed that white privilege and patriarchy continue to prosper especially when money is thrown in the direction along with truly despicable behavior. Behavior that would never be tolerated from a woman or a person of color. You talk about women being worried about their sons withdrawn in their basements helpless to the conditions they are faced with, what is God’s name are they doing for their situation other than ingesting the toxic information targeted at them?
Waynes’ world !
An upside offered by podcasts and not that of radio, broadcast TV, cable TV is that an email address can ultimately lead an advertiser to a target consumer making for a more direct connection.
Good article Scott. It was balanced. I often reflect on the wider lens here, all that the country and the world has gone through. It’s just a moment in time. We’ll be fine.
I’m not sure women, minorities, NATO, and Ukraine and Taiwan will be fine in the short term, but that too will correct itself.
I keep reading and hearing all these hopeful opinions that distill to “we’ll be fine”. Let’s break that down a bit, shall we?
– when a new deadly mutation of COVID-19 comes along and RFJ Jr sabotages testing,vaccine development or distribution, will we be fine?
– when rampant destruction of environmental regulation results in catastrophic erosion of clean water, air and soil standards because oil and gas corporations need to “drill baby drill”, will we be fine?
– when sheer incompetence and vicious pettiness stops FEMA from aiding Northeast (or PR) when (not if) another major storm hits, will we be fine?
– when Section F is law and even FAA is staffed with loyalists rather than specialists, and flying is nowhere near as safe as it used to be – will we be fine?
– when Trump declares opposing news outlets such as NYT, MSNBC, CNN etc extremist propaganda and moves to shut them down or censor, and slashes all funding to PBS (that one is a guarantee), will we be fine?
– last but not least: if they succeed in pulling out of NATO entirely, will we be fine?
Scott, Jon Stewart on Monday’s The Daily Show. At 8:49 in the segment. A really cheap shot. Take a look and maybe tear him a new one? Don’t necessarily want to stir things up, but that was uncalled for.
Have you ever stopped to reflect that maybe, just maybe, this obsession to Destroy Trump just isn’t working out for you?
Destroying Trump is people’s favorite entertainment these days, right up there with Star Wars, Superheroes, and Sports Teams.
And just like there’s That Guy who can only talk about Star Wars, Superheroes, or Sports Teams, the people with TDS can’t stop talking about their favorite show.
But it never seems to work out for you guys.
Impeachments, lawfare, throwing him in jail, 100M fines, assignation attempts, shooting Trump in the face.
Nothing ever seems to work,
Trump just gets stronger and more popular each time and you guys just keep getting angrier & angrier.
It’s like a Road Runner cartoon.
Every weapon you’ve tried to use to destroy Trump has backfired and blown up in your face.
Over and over and over again.
9+ years of this show.
Are you really on board for another 4 years of being Wile E. Coyote and doing the same insanity over and over and over again?
That sounds really depressing.
“I’m still in my pajamas — haven’t changed since Tuesday night. I’m also drinking a fair amount and toggling between Netflix shows …Even my stocks are going up”
So President Elect Trump has only been President Elect for 2 days and he’s already put money in your pocket?
And you’re still upset and writing like an angry loser?
It’s like watching those videos of Sports Guy, who is dressed up in all the gear of his favorite team, whose identity is wrapped up in his favorite sports team, flip out and start destroying his own TV and destroying his own house because his favorite sports team lost the big game.
Have you ever thought about just changing the channel?
Getting a new show?
You know what I want to see?
I want to see the Scott Galloway that predicted the Amazon acquisition of Whole Foods before it happened.
I want to see the Galloway that was able to analyze data, connect dots, and accurately predict the future in ways that no one else was able to see.
I want to watch that show again.
Because we’re all sick of this angry loser Galloway.
Change the channel.
So evidently, Galloway is not entitled to express 14 seconds of his opinion inside an otherwise substantive and informative feature. Here’s a thought – YOU are a snowflake with an otherworldly outsized opinion of yourself. Get over it, or move on.
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S – this essay is the best political science insight of all of 2024 . I suspect Presidential debates are finished going forward . The reality TV programme Big Brother was brilliant in uncovering the true character of the participants and skilled “non gotcha” long term podcasts have a similar quality . You identify this development brilliantly and forensically in this week’s posting . The Left needs to develop a cadre of sensible , charismatic , successful interview hosts . I can’t suggest you as you rightly acknowledge you are spikey . PS you so called Reddit right when you featured the IPO on your podcast .
Since the barriers to entry are so low, how does one differentiate themselves in this space? How would say someone compete with another podcast with 16 mn followers?
I listened to you on Smerconish yesterday. Yesterday was the first day I turned to any news outlet since waking up to a Trump victory. I’m the mother of a 21 y/o male who dropped out of college to pursue day trading as a career; his side gig is working part-time at Best Buy. Grandma enables him to do this; he isn’t living in my basement (in case you are wondering). He is angry because I don’t support his pipe dream of getting rich quick so he can “retire before the age of 30.” I can’t help but wonder how many of the young men you describe as living in their mother’s basements playing video games do so because they can. How many of them are trying to get rich quick so they don’t have to “show up” to class or a job site. Trump represents money, quick money, dishonest money, crude/rude money. And last time I checked, trickle-down doesn’t work. I believe these mothers who voted for Trump because they see their sons not doing well are going to be disappointed when they see corporations investing their new found capital in more automation, not jobs requiring one to show up. And why should they show up when they have mom (or Grandma) willing to give them and their devices a couch to surf on. I’m afraid the problem is a circular sickness with roots in the age
of technology with no cure in sight.
Scott, I find this email to be very informative on the importance of Podcasting and the effect that it had on the outcome of the election! I know very little about podcasting and have been educating myself on their effectiveness and how to produce one. Once reason is because I am curious about the world, the other is for my business. What I did not hear in your “No Mercy/No Malice” email was that podcasting is also a great place for feeding propaganda. No where in your email do you mention the role that Elon Musk had on swaying the election through X. Was this intentional or is that your next email? I am also confused as to what you are currently doing. Are you a thought leader, a predictor, an after the event analyst or a journalist? I think last year you predicted that Joe Biden would win the election and that Trump would be convicted. None of this happened-similar to the one that raises the most money wins. Also, where can I find what you think are the solutions to dealing with “our forgotten young men”? Thanks for your work!
Scott is one of the few Democrat voices I will listen to and respect his opinion. However, the democrats for the last four years did nothing to deserve another 4 years. My thought when they threw everything they could get to get Trump out….let the dem’s have it for 4 years and see what they can do. Nothing was the result and Kamala was really good during her campaign proving that. How do you raise a billion dollars and lose and on top of that end up in the red? Her husband and the VP nominee crying at the concession speech. This world will eat up leaders like this and lately the democrats only solution is wasteful spending and trying to tell minorities that they need the democrats in power. Now they can regroup and learn….hope it’s not Newsome that they push. That guys a failure and a phony. Get someone like Tulsi Gabbert and stay centered for America.
With all due respect to Scott’s expertise in reaching audiences and analysis of the how best to spread the message, it’s really the message itself that matters most.
Democrats used to be all about helping poor people directly, not in a trickle down fashion – that was during the Clinton era. And then they tilted toward being more woke for all sorts of reasons, and then came big bank bailouts with Obama at the helm, and the execs in charge of these companies got golden parachutes while homeowners foreclosure notices. Hungry people are not likely to care about social justice and equality as much as those not struggling to make ends meet.
You have to beat him at his own game which is populism, and it’s on you as basically the incumbent to propose concrete measures that line up with that goal, whether they are realistic or not, relentlessly. Learn from the 2016 failure and blend in Bernie’s ideas with some of what Republicans are peddling – universal health care, full rollback of Trump’s tax cuts to gazilionaires and trillion dollar cap corporations, offer tax breaks to small businesses for hiring and sourcing in U.S., maybe tack on universal basic income for a change – are you telling me voters won’t respond positively to getting a check in the mail FFS? Socialism might have been a curse word to many 8 years ago, but you can’t please everyone at once, you simply needed the votes – and there are a lot more of them at the bottom of economic pyramid than the top.
Exactly! It’s not that Trump won biggly – he is essentially in the same place as in 2020 with the electorate. The fact is some that some 11 million dems who turned out for Biden in 2020 couldn’t hold their noses hard enough to vote this year. It’s easy enough to see why they didn’t go for Trump. What is hard to fathom is how or why so many hated Kamala so much that they were willing to gift the election to Trump. It’s like they were thinking, we hate both candidates. We want a do-over.” Haha. Be careful what you wish for…we’re all getting that do-over.
I think this is a chicken and egg issue.
Remember how Bush won, supposedly, because of right wing talk radio? So the left started Air America… and were befuddled why they only had 17 listeners? (Because their audience had already consumed the NYT) I think you’re confusing cause and effect. Trump went on podcasts (or Twitter) to sidestep the mainstream media. He had to, Kamala didn’t have to. I don’t think going on Rogan would have helped her. Trump went on Rogan because he trusted him to be fair. Kamala had a (stage managed!) town hall on CNN, ffs. The new media is just allowing the unwashed masses, ignored by media elites to have a voice.
Your brand of analytics, gut instincts and humor always makes me feel like there is order in the world. You calm me down. I’m so glad I read this after being gutted by Tuesdays election. I have been talking about how young white males in our country have to be feeling like they’ve gotten, how shall I say, shafted for years. They’re the bad guys culturally right now – I didn’t see it coming but I’m not surprised with the way they voted. This sums it all up in your usual smart funny way. Thanks for this.
In the final count, Trump’s win will come down to the fact that Republicans regardless of what they think of their flag bearer or where they stand on the conservative spectrum will line up solidly behind their party’s candidate. Much unlike democrats who will stay at home because they don’t think their candidate did enough on the issues they care about. Trump won the election with almost 2 million less popular votes than he got in 2020, and Kamala lost because 12 million democrats and independents that voted Biden decided not to vote. It’s a fallacy to say that Trump won this election because he gained new voters, it’s a false narrative.
Superbly detailed and examined notes on why and how podcasts are first choice for input on so many topics these days. The spicy explanation of the mechanics and money of the industry are clearer after reading this post, Mr. Galloway. Your insight and historical perspective make perfect sense in this crazy-ass word in which our heads and minds now live in….
What I believe was incredibly off-putting for a lot of the electorate is that you and the Harris campaign championed “bodily autonomy” and “women’s health” non-stop.
It’s not. As Bill Maher mentioned before, it’s murder, and not a lot Americans are ok with that.
You constantly advise young men to be responsible protectors. They are neither when you implied to Ed, someone who is relatively financially secure, that aborting his son/daughter if he accidentally knocked up his gf is somehow OK. Men should take responsibility for their actions and protect their offspring. Your constant advocacy of murder (not my words, Bill’s) when it’s not convenient delegitimizes your advice on what it means to be a responsible man who protects and the American on Tuesday saw through the hypocrisy.
Does your term of “murder” apply to women who have been raped (date or otherwise), or have abnormal pregnancies, or have underlying health problems that may endanger their lives? And you are OK with putting those decisions in the hands of older white guys with ZERO medical training? Because that’s what’s going to happen. Doctors will not perform procedures if they are afraid of having their licenses yanked or worse, ending up in jail.
Disagree on Rogan. Trump on Rogan was pure preaching to the choir, in a friendly setting with a host that didn’t challenge his nonsense. If you are a regular Roganite, you were definitely not voting for Harris. Harris on Rogan wouldn’t have changed a thing about the result. You can talk about media strategy all you want but at the end of the day, we have a class problem in this country, which we refuse to acknowledge even today (Bernie Sanders being the exception). There is no longer a real attainable path to upward mobility for all and the sooner Democrats address the failure of Clinton era neoliberalism, global free trade, open borders, corporate welfare, outsourcing, robotics and AI, the better we will be able to avoid con artists like Trump down the road.
Watched you on CNN. I follow you closely. My comment is as a white woman mother of 2 young men. They voted for Harris because my number 1 job as their parent was to teach them empathy and not be assholes. They are not privileged/ they are in college on loans and scholarships. If women voted for Trump because they can’t get their adult son out of the basement and off video games they need to take ownership to a degree. This is not the fault of Biden nor will it get better under Trump. Maybe comment on how they just decreased their potential dating pool significantly.
I agree. The comment on CNN about moms voting for Trump because their sons are vaping in the basement felt like a stretch. While there are concerns about young men, I don’t think moms with daughters in college and a son at home are necessarily leaning towards Trump.
The multi-decade project by right wing billionaires to dominate all media has finally reached its apex. There is nothing to be done if most of the population will never hear the actual facts, and are consistently fed lies that make it seem like anything but a fascist state a toxic nightmare. I don’t see a way back from this.
George Carlin said it best – “Now, there’s one thing you might have noticed I don’t complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain’t going to do any good; you’re just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here… like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There’s a nice campaign slogan for somebody: ‘The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope.”
George Carlin
As a 73 year old male, married, with assets over $1M I am irrelevant and invisible to advertisers and hot chicks are the gym. Luckily I married a hot chick. I get the Podcast reach and value. I also don’t want to listen for 3 hours unless it’s gripping – like Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. Huberman’s podcast is insightful yet Jesus, get to the point already. And so, I read you and anything Haidt (social psychologist) pens, or the Marginalian. And for all us old, invisible, irrelevant folks we are now in a wait and see if our world will be upended. The issue is time – one of the most misunderstood currency we have and yet we pay scant attention to it.
Where is the “LOL Republicans” guy????
One thing you didn’t mention about successful podcasters, just like other mediums, you need one giant f-ing ego, which 99.9% of us don’t have. Just saying.
The DNC was hijacked by the ‘Trans-left’. Excellent article in the WSJ today. One ad, running in football games, change 2.7% of the vote. Males of all races were for Trump. 25% of blacks, about 50% of Hispanics overall. Suburban women turned. Men on their daughters sports teams was more of a threat that abortion issues. Gen Zs moved toward Trump, citing economy as top priority, over 50% with abortion only about 18%.
You wanted to ‘save’ Democracy? It won, but just not the person you expected. The trans people and their political ramrods didn’t take control, that is the message. Democracy in action.
Few like the man Trump. But when you see an economy working against you, academia run like an insane asylum, and a media obviously prejudiced, you run against whomever is different. Economy and personal safety, epresented by K shaped recovery and 10 million people streaming across the border. And, voters start prioritizing HONEST podcast against network news actors. Rogan interviewing Trump for 3 hours in Austin got 50 MILLION watchers. Harris wanted Rogan to come to HER and a 1 hour limit.
Those who manage brands for a living should take note. Marketing needs to move faster than the DNC did to save market share. The world of self declared ‘smart’ and ‘educated’ people just got blindsided. Print is now dead. Even Bezos realizes that. Read his OpEd in the WaPo.
It’s a bit more nuanced. Print – books and blogs – I can skim and get the point. Atlantic, Propublica provide investigations about stuff I didn’t know was going on. And so I prefer to personally involved in the world where my actions make a difference – like soup kitchens, or canvassing, or HOA boards, or Handyman groups.
Pretty weak post — TUE 11/5 national U.S. election and he uses today to lecture folks on the primacy of podcasts over cable news. Can’t wait for the next international happening and he weighs in on the market capitalization of different crypto-currencies….
Great article.
Watching the election results and Trump’s numbers reached over 200, I started on the gin and tonic then started stress eating ice cream.
Gutted, is how I would describe Trump’s win. I feel really sorry for Americans. A huge amount of confidence is has been lost in the US.
1st Black President
2nd Term
1st Female Candidate
Career politician hiding in his basement
1st Black Female Candidate
But 2020 was totally legit, you guys
So the 12 Million voters that magically materialized and voted for Biden / against Trump in 2020 just had better things to do in 2024, didn’t feel like voting against Trump again (even though Trump’s still literally Hitler and Democracy Is At Stake and the 24/7 fear mongering by the media, ect, ect), and decided to just sit this one out?
Funny how all the “numbers” guys out there that love to obsess over data somehow manage to ignore those numbers these days.
It’s all a conspiracy. LOL
Because data analysis and critical thinking are now “conspiracy theory”
Even hardcore Democrats are looking at those numbers and realizing there’s no way they add up.
Maybe dumping the only person in world history that was able to collect 81M votes in a US Presidential election might have been a bad idea?
No matter how you spin it, those numbers don’t add up.
Trump won by giving people someone to blame, just as he lost for being the person to blame for the US’ horrible response to Covid. We had 4% of the world’s population and 20% of the world’s covid deaths. A monumental failure in federal leadership.
Voting by mail was so much easier. It should have been codified into law. But, here we are, back to voting on Tuesday (Tuesday??), instead of the weekend, when people have so much more time. They want to make it hard for us to participate. They would probably prefer you don’t have any part in the process, like when they gave us losing Kamala.
Your data is horrible. You are using finalized data for other elections versus preliminary data from 2024 and trying to make it fit your bias. Just 6 days later, Harris’ total vote is already up to 73M, and will likely end around 74-75M. With turnout lower in 2024 than the recent record turnout in 2020, this was to be expected for a losing candidate.
But sure, skew the numbers to fit your narrative.
Sounds like Scott should have supported the candidate who was brave enough and authentic enough to join multiple many hours long podcasts to help voters understand his thought processes and positions instead of the low IQ candidate who spoke in word salads and actively avoided popular podcasters because to know her is to reject her.
But too scared to debate?
Trump won because he formulated the simplistic message of economic pain that resonated with a public enraged that neither the Democrats nor the classic Republican party had solved.
While the message of middle class pain had been a staple of Democratic messaging for decades, they never managed to frame it in a simple trenchant way with a messenger who was seen as authentically engaged with the middle class experience.
Loud, profane and violent messaging of public anger defeated polite, decorus and traditional messaging laden with distracting attention to minority groups and issues.
The majority of voters were only concerned with the economy. That was the target the Democrats missed.
No Agenda podcast predicted the outcome, and reliably says funny stuff about Galloway and that crazy lady he works with on his podcast. We’re all dumb cretins!
Once again, you’ve nailed it for me! Ha Ha. In your last email, you said inflation was down. This week Trump eggs were $1.51 a dozen. Biden/Harris eggs are still $3.78. Your kids are buying 2 dozen Trump eggs, keeping the change, and fliipping you off..again! YOU just don’ WANT to get it. U thiink U are right and know what’s is better for other people. Ha.!! We, Americans, get two candidates to choose from every 4 years. It’s binary. That’s it! Biden’s frailties were happening right in front of your eyes to see. The Democrats called anyone that questioned this a “…any number of words that end in ‘ist'” person. Special Prosecutor Hur, in February, teed it up for you. How does that Kool Aid you have been trying to jam down peoples’ throats taste now? Jill Biden told you to buzz off and continue to tell the lies. And along the way, Democrats called anyone that did not drink the Kool Aid “Deplorables” and “Garbage’. Americans had enough. The reasons for Trump’s victories are not podcasts or media. WTH?!! The mainstream media gave Kamala a jillion dollars of fee publicity, and with that and the billion dollars she raised…..she still lost!! The blame is not outside the Dem Party it is inside.What is fun to see is you not getting it…professor.
I simply cannot wait for the first month of the second Trump administration when grocery prices will come tumbling down, the wars in Gaza. Lebanon, Yemen, and Ukraine come screechingly to a halt, the economy soars to even greater heights, the deportations begin, and the release of those in jail as a result of their actions during January 6th, 2021. EVERYTHING will be righted and America will once again be golden. Thank God for protecting and keeping Trump safe so he can accomplish all that he was destined to do for every American!
I don’t know where you live, but eggs at the four grocers near me in Ohio (Aldi, Giant Eagle, Kroger, Target) are all less than $3.00 for a dozen.
I’m not a man who hates. But I hate Joe Rogan. And I’m beginning to hate you.
Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
I’m usually find your comments very insightful. This time I feel you completely missed the point. You are focusing on the medium and not on the message. It doesn’t really matter how many people I reach if my message if about racism. homophobia, mysogynism and in general about not respecting others and being violent. Trump won because our country is apparently dominated by people who are aligned with those values. The sad thing is that, we are not alone in the world, in Europe the far right is gaining support every day. Mala tempura currunt
“Trump won because our country is apparently dominated by people who are aligned with those values.” Or it could be spite driven because people like you continue to boil down their feelings of being left behind as being “racist, homophobic, and misogynistic.”
Your condescending views are precisely why your side lost. You really believe that 51% of this country are homophobes, racists, and misogynists?
Not sure why everyone is so hell bent on overthinking this.
Since Reagan we’ve been steadily moving more and more resources to the top 1% at a somewhat alarming pace. Overall quality of life hasn’t suffered too much but the portion of the so-called “middle class” that is now under financial stress has grown steadily. In capitalism there are always winners and losers. Now there is a growing population of losers and the playbook for manipulating them is pretty simple.
Populism. Losers don’t want to blame themselves and they shouldn’t. Donald Trump is a terrible candidate in almost every way but he figured out that giving losers someone to blame other than themselves is a winning formula. The only reason he lost so badly in 2020 was because the losers needed someone to blame and he was the easiest target. This time it was Biden, or anyone standing near him.
The Dems continue to speak to, largely, more worldly and well-educated people who are far more insulated from the problems that the losers face. They talk about things like tax reform, housing credits and restoring America’s place as a leader on the world stage. That’s not as easy to digest as “brown people are invading your country and causing all these problems…a wall will keep them out.” Or ridiculous ideas about the origins of global problems while pretending that they only happen here.
I give up on this country.
“Losers don’t want to blame themselves…” I’m no political expert but I’d venture to guess that calling large portions of the electorate you need to court “losers” is unwise. Doubling down on a losing strategy is bold, guess we’ll see if it pays off for you.
It wouldn’t be the first time the truth lost, clearly.
Also, if you actually read the comment, I was referring to losers at capitalism. People who are winning at capitalism don’t complain about the cost of eggs.
Yeah, yeah, but, imagine Harris freeform on Rogan for three hours. The horror. Then again, I had to shut Trump down after maybe 45 minutes.
1. Podcasts talk to people; all the rest, at people.
2. Podcasts are interesting and unpredictable; all the rest, boring and 100% predictable.
3. The Dems need to stop talking at people and demonizing those who are not Dems: stop dismissing and insulting the voters u want. Smug doesn’t work.
4. Dems have stopped being democratic …. they clearly need a major awakening.
Yes, best comment I’ve read is that, above everything, people do not like to be insulted.
Exactly Benny. Tell that to the haitians in Springfield (but not during meals, okay?) or those who have family on that floating piece of garbage. Or Mike Pence! How could I forget him? I don’t remember anyone saying “Hang Al Gore” or “Hang the Supreme Court!” back then. But that was more real of an issue than 2020 – just ask Dominion! Or Fox – who wisely did not go to trial. By the way, the Sheldons and Kochs are elites too – just ask them how much they don’t miss McCain-Feingold. Doesn’t change that a lot of flatlanders are happy as hell right now and the Dems have some work to do. But I can’t wait to see how governance works (He can fix it right? Just like what he said about ACA?) and I am really worried for how many people are going to get royally fucked by this administration for many of the reasons articulated by the Dems.
Harris destroyed Trump at the debate. I think she would do as well or better than Trump in that format.
That “format”? You mean a trained bot that spews debate responses Dem voters like? I’m pretty sure they’re working on that in AI land, fueled by billions of dollars of losing campaign contributions. Which, btw, Hillary burned through in ’16. Explains the really healthy economy of DC. Try and buy a home there.
You think Trump did well at that debate?
Well, in the end, well, duh.
Then why didn’t she do it?
You’re a good egg. Smarter than Your words actually. I wish you were my son. But to be as wrong about this election as you admit you should admit you have MSNBC brain, OK maybe CNN. My daughter your age was a near-feminist, astrology loving vegan. On October 7 she called me in tears asking how to explain what was happening. For the past 13 months we’ve spoken daily and she now may be my best friend. We both don’t say it but feel it loudly we wish that had happened 25 years ago. I wish you well.
Scott you are the best….brightest….most articulate….most spot on. I listen to you, and or you/kara, and or you/ed daily….including reading your newsletters….and I urge family and everyone I know to do the same. I am with all you said above….plus I am furious with America. I always vote for “the other”, not me/my pocketbook…..yet so many americans supported the dark and rage ….vs better angels. Breaks my heart…..and then there are the lies…..heard one hispanic woman interviewed today….came to US as an illegal immigrant in the ’80’s…gained citizenship in the 90’s….today, when asked how she feels about current illegal immigrants she said….”they are all rapists and criminals, and should not be let in”….exhausting….ready to give up….but know I won’t….
The reason Kamala did not do the podcast is that she had no content beyond her single abortion issue. 25k for new homeowners would simply raise the prove of housing while doing nothing for the homeowner (or our 36 trillion dollar debt. Kamala was an empty suit with nothing to offer but another four years of the same mind-numbing total lack of ignoring what America wanted. They want a border, minimal inflation, and not a constant barrage of how racist we all are. America is sick of these self-serving elites that look down on their fellow citizens. If Kamala was capable of doing a hour with Rogan (and no one does an hour!) she would not have anything but her memorized soundbites. What a pathetic candidate in a party still unable to see their own inadequacies, only looking to blame the American people for not buying in to their narrative. Keep it up and the Democratic party will be replace by another left center party.
One billion dollars. All of it spent abd currently 20k in the hole. At least the celebrities made out in this election.
So many lies.
Exactly… it’s the whole you’re so racist that you don’t even know you’re racist mindset. The whole you need a PhD in gender studies in order to have an opinion of men beating the shit out of women in women sports. The Democrats post-modern Derida, Sarte, and Foucault inspired communism would have set the US on the path to dystopia.
As for data/information/attitude influencing: are we focussed too much on media as an explanation for the outcome of the election? I believe that as data and science and research confirm and document, racial discrimination, gender bias, anti semitism are the venom in the soul of America. To think that a woman who is AfricanAmerican Asian American married to a Jew is not an easy target for the long shadow of America and our history is denial, shameful denial. The original sin of America brought to us by Washington, Jefferson, Monroe, Madison through slavery lives in the souls of us all. To deny our personal shadow and our collective shadow is foolish. Kamala Harris had a masterful campaign with clear communication of her stands and plans. Be honest, can we not acknowledge that it puts a target on her back. Going back was more appealing than moving forward for Jim Crow lives. I write this as a 72 year old man who has seen so much of this evil. We are hard wired through genetics to fear the other, to fear the immigrant, those different in so many ways. Americans have a huge fear of blacks, of women, of Jews, of intellectuals, of the educated as articulated by MAGA and Trumpism.
Kamala is not African American. She is a woman of African descent but that ethnicity is reserved for American Black whose ancestry started in this country upon the arrival of enslaved individuals stolen and brought to America from Africa. Her African descent is from Jamaica so any references to the founding fathers and our stain of slavery here in America have nothing to do with this woman. Stop applying the American Black narrative to this woman. She’s not like us.
I really appreciate your perspective on what is going on in your country. I also appreciate that you never say that you are the greatest country on earth. The results of this election and the choice of Donald Trump for president prove that to me.
The shame: our history of racial discrimination, misogyny, anti semitism translated into a vote for a white man who is …. well, a horror.
It is interesting to me how many otherwise rational people are attempting to find understanding about the election. Sometimes, the majority of voters just get it wrong, and the reasons might or might not be complex. This snapshot of our country isn’t pretty. You can blame the rise of social media (in all its forms), failures in journalism, a dysfunctional DNC, a deeply flawed incumbent, a less flawed eventual candidate, the economy, sexism, racism, or combinations of all of the above. End of the day, America has made a mistake. We’ve done it before, but not at this level for more than a century. So, now, will the guardrails hold long enough?
Kamala blowing off Joe Rogan was her version of Hillary blowing off Wisconsin.
am pretty sure most black and latino voters and white suburban woman don’t listen to Rogan; and they were the ones that gave enough of their support to Trump to allow him to win. The democrats need to understand why they lost; perceived loss of control of the border, and a overly progressive policies and agendas.
I think the main reason the dems lost was because they allowed the progressive wing dominate their agenda and messaging. People did not want to defund the police, be ok with historic illegal border crossings,, told daily that they needed to be anti-racists, have to state their preferred pronouns in meetings, etc. I was hoping the country would have elected Harris so that we can have a gradual move back to the center but i guess most people wanted to just rip off the bandaid and fix the issues immediately. At least the US population is willing to fix the perceived issues quickly than in Europe and the other parts of the world. I believe the checks and balances in our government institutions will hold and prevent any drastic veering into autocracy. In any case we have the midterm elections to course correct if need to. We have an useful idiot in office; let’s use him to get the necessarily immigration reforms and roll back some of the progressive over reach we have incorporated into our society.
What about Kamala Harris was center? She spent the first two of her months having surrogates put out entirely opposite positions of extreme views she’s on video saying that were far left. The other part of the time she was taking Trump positions and acting like she made it up running around with the has-beens rejects of the Republican party. She’s a San Francisco radical who helped pave the way for the rampant crime across our cities with these social justice DAs and AGs (no cash bail, can steal anything up to a certain dollar without consequence, etc.). Then she went and picked a man even left of her if that’s possible. Someone who habitually lied about his military record who let his city burn doing COVID, removed the requirement to report live births after failed abortions, wanting to take children away from parents if they decide to go trans, and instituting a snitch line during COVID . But choosing her would be getting “back to the center”? Delusional. Just say you hate Trump’s personality and go. I would respect it more.
I guess my carefully written comment was too long. So here goes again.
We won, you effing loser, and you should accept it. Snap out of it and pull up your socks.
For the record I am a Harvard magna graduate and would have been a summa if I had gone to more classes. I am also a volunteer Vietnam combat veteran (Mekong Delta) and volunteered for that dubious war because I didn’t black kids and white kids from poor families should bear the brunt. Last Tuesday I expressed solidarity with people like that. And don’t worry: the Constitution and American Democracy are going to be fine. Better than they would have been if the election had gone the other way. People like me will protect them.
It occurs to me that you’re free to unsubscribe if you don’t like Scott’s writing. It’s clear that you are uniquely brilliant and valorous — just think of what you could do for the world if you gave up s**tposting in the comments section!
Love it! Also a Harvard grad, voted for the incoming President and I’m a black woman. The Democrat policies are terrible and Kamala was never a serious candidate. It really was “the economy, stupid”. Trump will fix this mess. The rest is noise. Some people would rather live in a bubble and virtue signal outrage on behalf of groups who could not care less.
I wonder if this leads to a future where “legacy media” will not have a public debate amongst presidential candidates if it is now clear a pseudo-intimacy that a few podcasts provide will be the best way to get the word across, and that just hastens their decline as political campaigns and PAC ads were one of the main ways for their news operations to not get cut.
Remember that I said Kamala should apologize for the people like Walz and AOC who disparage men who haven’t had sex within the arbitrary time frame set by the Democrats? It looked like those comments were encouraging pro-Kamala women to go forth and insult any guy they didn’t think had enough sex.
An in-person army like that for Kamala probably did more to help Trump than any podcast ever did.
Knowing that Walz, some jerk who looks like Uncle Fester, doesn’t like me because I haven’t had enough sex to meet his standards wouldn’t have helped matters, even without the possibility of encouraging a bullying bunch of women.
Going wider with that perspective, I’d suggest that Dems, at all levels, learn to never be assholes.
The guy you call a loser and bully still votes, just not for the assholes who bullied him.
I appreciate you pointing out the problems of young men, but you have started this pity party out there that sickens me. I didn’t realize how many a**holes there are out there in this world. Social media has turned America into a cesspool. Putin is winning.
You really need to reach out to a David McWilliams while you’re still based in the UK he’s a very well known economist here in Ireland with his own successful pod. He had said exactly the same thing you said about the medium and presidential candidates months ago. You two will get on like a house on fire. Honestly reach out to him. He’s on X/twitter and Patreon. You won’t regret it.
We (the Dems) fxxxxd up. Now we need to take responsibility, stop the blame game and figure out the best way forward. I am a 67 year old mother of two very productive, kind and sensible men. We left their generation with a mess and it is time for the youngs to step forward, decide what they want for their futures and execute. Podcast, magazine, whatever. First comes the mission, then the messaging and then the channel.
I agree with Dennis, and I also wonder how many real jobs are being lost to podcaasters. Do those youthful listners to podcasts have work? Girlfriends? Trust Funds? For some, it’s only about the money.
Did you forget Scott Galloway is a podcaster? Do his older listeners and readers have work? Girlfriends? Trust funds? It’s a new medium, but it’s like asking those questions about anyone who listened to the radio would have been years ago.
Since you hate my views since I don’t have advanced degrees such as B.S. Bullshit ; MS More of the Same; PHD piled higher and deeper you would not have been surprised at election if you even responded to my comments.
Well, I’ve been ignoring your political posts awaiting this day for months now. You are obviously brilliant when focusing on topics that you are not personally biased with…and a typical fool when you post on those you are emotionally invested in. Good for you for using your soapbox. And btw “weak flex” is appropriate with CNN, but more appropriate is “no flex”; your podcasts on the other hand are admirable…you are such a humble brag…not. Thanks for stating the obvious about podcast viewership and arithmetic – like we don’t know that already.
But to the matter at hand. What did you really expect with this election? The left put up a dementia ridden candidate followed by an ignorant prop-up character that has zero practical experience in anything other than convicting black men of trivial offenses while letting murderers and rapists run free. You are surprised that people voted for a candidate that promises to lower costs, increase job opportunity, and secure the cartel saturated border? Really? Yes, we all know you are rich enough to be insulated from any future outcomes and can be pompous enough to say it. Well this is what happens when people use terms like Hitler and racist to belittle and bully their opponents; the fact that news outlets like CBS literally doctored statements made by the President and his acolyte is shameful…and I guess you support shameful. Keep drinking, surely it will get better.
Help me understand why Podcasts are any different from random comments on open social media platforms that traffic primarily in misinformation and speculative theories on a host of topics. Your implication is that if you gain your news and info from traditional broadcast media and newspapers you are old and out of touch. That may be so, but I would submit that I am closer to making judgements with substantiated facts than someone who listens to Podcasts only. Just a perspective from an ‘old’ guy.
Podcasts would be more like a radio show. Scott’s discussing the ones that are like talk shows. I find the ones that are like music shows better.
you may be right but it matters how many of each group votes; as we have seen….
Podcasts are great to learn about people in long form conversation. Kamala couldn’t hang with Bret Baier. Her team pulled her out of there at the 29 minute mark. It would have served her well to go on Rogan and others to have long conversations, but alas, it doesn’t seem like she is capable. Vance did the same podcasts and more. Anyone who listened became more comfortable with him one heartbeat away from the oval office over weird Walz. Dems need to do better. You left us independents with no choice.
I am 76 years old. I no longer give a rat’s ass about the United States. I will retreat to my hole, safe-guard my assets, stop donating to to charity and allow those who voted for Trump to destroy what is left of the US. Hispanics, Blacks, Repubs, Dems, poor people, gays, transgender can all go F themselves.
Maybe she was just a bad candidate with bad ideas. Did you take in any of her positions prior to the debate? The clips are voluminous and her positions are at odds with common sense Americans. Did you see the job application for the Harris Campaign? I dunno – nine pronoun options is tragically hip but rather excessive. (Can you to tell me what Hu/Hu means without googling it?) Know what Trump voters would’ve done the day after an election loss? What we’ve always done: we’d’ve gotten up and gone to freaking work. No one would’ve cancelled classes or granted bonus PTO or had psychologists standing by. Indeed, we’re living in good times that create weak men, and we all know what that creates. Chill out, Scott. Everything is and will be alright.
RACE, GENDER, Semitism….play a role as voters had the perfect outlet for the original sin, the venom, the shadow of America. Kamala Harris had a target on her back for who she IS. The fear of immigrants is trumped by fear of the other, the black, the woman, the Jew.
Need to tell us what’s in the podcasting dopp kit!
Hi Prof G
As people try to understand what happened on Tuesday, many suggested that the left needs a Joe Rogan. I think that you would be great for that role for many reasons.
1. You genuinely care about young men and their welfare
2. You value facts and would not be a propaganda machine
3. I believe young men listening to you would actually find personal growth (financially, socially, …)
Is this a space you would see yourself filling?
1. Kamala was invited to Joe Rogan and she declined.
2. Kamala was a career politician.
3. Kamala had 4 years of experience under Biden. And as the vice president, she should be prepared to take over the presidency if something were to happento the president.
4. She was not prepared because she was a DEI hired and this is the result when democrats use identity politics instead of competent people
Please reprint your Odds of Trump Going To Prison piece from earlier this year. How’s that looking? Please get over your TDS and offer some POSITIVE advice on how his administration can improve our country. All The Best!!
I appreciate your insights. Mentally, I too have been in my pjs since Tuesday night. I’m planning to go into the field of conversation next fall—new degree, new business, etc.—and see that I’ll need to do some facilitated inner work to be able to participate in conversations after this election. I clearly don’t get what happened or what people are thinking. I hope you’ll share your journey with us over the coming months. I benefit from hearing others’ stories handling similar challenges. ❤️