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Search Results for "predictions"

October 29

Four Retail IPOs

Person of the Year I make predictions, which is a shitty business. If they come true, circumstances leading up to the event make the prediction seem less bold. If they don’t, the Twitter troll army comes for you. On a risk-adjusted basis, bad idea. Like…

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November 6

Twitter & Elections

5-min read I’ve watched CNN for 38 of the last 48 hours. Some observations: • Quinnipiac, Marist, Pew, and FiveThirtyEight should take a poll and stick it up their a$$. • I hope someday someone will touch me the way John King fondles the Perceptive Pixel…

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July 17

USS University

6-min read Our fumbling, incompetent response to the pandemic continues. In six weeks, a key component of our society is in line to become the next vector of contagion: higher education. Right now half of colleges and universities plan to offer in-person classes, something resembling…

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June 12

Four Weddings & A Funeral

7-min read We witness border skirmishes between big tech firms on a regular basis. This year, one or more will erupt into a shooting war. Just as most wars are not a function of ideology but economics, the armies of search, handsets, and performative posts…

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April 3

Post Corona: Higher Ed

6-min read After COVID-19, nothing will be the same. The previous sentence is bullsh*t. On the contrary, things will never be more the same, just accelerated. Over the last two weeks, organizations ranging from the East Coast’s largest hedge and VC funds to MSNBC and…

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March 13

On Twitter

7-min read It feels like a lifetime ago, but on Monday, private equity firm Silver Lake announced a $1 billion investment in Twitter, and Twitter agreed to 3 new board seats. To distract myself from coronavirus, I think about the valuation dynamics and corporate governance…

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November 22

Stream On 🍿

5-min read My NYU colleague professor Adam Alter has conducted research confirming that the most enduring of the senses is smell. Smell can take you back to age five, to that anxiety that sharply arose when your mother was tucking you in. Mom dousing herself…

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September 20

WeWTF, Part Deux

So, the mother of all party crashers took a dump in the We IPO punch bowl. The crasher? Math. The autopsy will show the shelving of this IPO was death by S-1.  This was a case of immunities kicking in after the requisite SEC disclosure.…

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January 4

3 Jackets and a Glove

I was planning to review my 2018 predictions, which were AWESOME, and highlight some new ones for 2019: peak Apple, the coming spin of AWS, smart cameras, retail trends, and the best and worst tech stocks for the year. Covered some of that on last…

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Need more No Mercy / No Malice in your life?

Every Monday, get our insights on Markets. On Wednesdays, we'll answer your questions in Office Hours. And Thursdays we'll share a Conversation - this week, Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Fellow, a longevity researcher, and the best-selling author of “The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest,” joins Scott to discuss “Blue Zones” and how community, environment, and diet play into longevity. He also tells Scott what decade he might make it to based on how he currently lives his life.