Endorsement: Vice President Kamala Harris
The Last Swing Voters
The catastrophizing, from both sides, re “The end of America” if s/he wins is obnoxious and recognizes neither history nor the resilience of the U.S. We’ve survived much worse than her/him. However, it’s clear that, as in any election, some groups will fare better/worse with their guy/gal in the White House. And, if you disagree with me … we’ll both be fine. The group whose well-being (or lack thereof) I am increasingly focused on is young men. I believe Kamala Harris and Tim Walz offer the best way forward for young men in the U.S., who’ve been left behind in a time of unprecedented prosperity.
This election is — or should be — a referendum on two related things: women’s bodily autonomy and the future of men in the U.S. With the race likely to be decided not by a handful of battleground states but by a few battleground counties, the votes of young men could be decisive. No group has fallen further behind faster.
Young men are more persuadable than older voters, who are more partisan. According to Data for Progress, swing voters are more common among young people. Close to half (43%) of swing voters are under 45. According to Circle at Tufts University, young male voters are motivated to a large degree by economic issues such as inflation and job stability, issues that candidates tend to shift positions on during the campaign.
Gender Gulf
The GOP has proven smarter and more aggressive than the Democrats in reaching out to men, especially online. In recent years, young men have been trending more conservative and apathetic, while young women have become more progressive and engaged. The gender gap has become a gender gulf.
Women make up a little over half of the electorate, but they turn out in larger numbers to vote than men. This year the overthrow of Roe v. Wade and numerous state ballot questions about abortion are likely to bring record numbers of young women to the polls. Young men, most of whom support the right to choose and gender equality, are not as strongly motivated to vote on those issues. Part of the problem, I believe, is that the Democratic party has abandoned young men and failed to show them what the loss of Roe means for them, their opportunities, and their choices.
Who We Serve
The DNC website has a page titled “Who we serve.” Listed are 16 constituencies, including African Americans, the LGBTQ community, women, veterans, and 12 other demographic groups that comprise approximately 76% of the population. When you explicitly advocate for 76% of the population, you’re not advocating for 76% but discriminating against the 24%. In this case, young men. This visibly absent group comes into sharp relief when you extract an obvious truth from the data: No group has fallen faster or further in the U.S. over the past two decades than young men.
That neglect shows up in polls. As The New York Times recently reported about Democrats faring poorly with all men, “it increasingly seems possible that most or perhaps all of that weakness is concentrated among young men. … Surprisingly, Ms. Harris is faring no better than Mr. Biden did among young men in the Times/Siena data, even as she’s made significant gains among young women.”
Man Trouble
I receive a lot of emails from worried parents, particularly mothers, along these lines: “I have a daughter who lives in Chicago and works in PR and another daughter who’s at Penn. My son lives in our basement, vapes, and plays video games.”
Young American men are in a crisis of underemployment and under-socialization, which is bad for all of us. Even as the costs of college have soared beyond reach of many families, many of the manufacturing jobs that didn’t require a college degree, and were a ticket to the middle class, have been offshored. Housing is increasingly unaffordable; nearly 60% of men between the ages of 18 and 24 live with their parents and 1 in 5 still live with their parents at age 30. Since 2004, deaths of despair among young men have taken 400,000 lives. Think about this: more young men in America have died deaths of despair in the last 20 years than were killed in World War II.
Meanwhile, the whole subject of what it means to be a man has become radioactive, infected by a dialog that feels more like disdain (e.g., “toxic masculinity”) than a conversation meant to address the issue. Young men don’t know who they’re supposed to be and lack the resources to go out into the world and find out.
Many are stuck: isolated, despairing, and unproductive, prone to obesity, drug addiction, and suicide, susceptible to misogyny, conspiracy theories, and radicalization. They make lousy potential mates, employees, and citizens. While young women have made great strides in education and earning power — which is great, and we should do nothing to stop that — young men seem stuck in reverse.
I have spent a decent amount of time reviewing the different economic policies and positions of both campaigns and feel Harris’s policies would provide young men with increased opportunities to realize their masculinity. Specifically: to provide, to protect, and to procreate.
These are prosperous times. America doesn’t need to be made great … again. As Yale management professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld recently highlighted in Time, the U.S. economy under Biden/Harris is, by a number of objective measures, doing well:
- The unemployment rate is currently about 4.1%, the lowest since 1968.
- Inflation is low, at 2.2%.
- GDP growth is the best in the world.
- The financial markets are soaring, hitting 71 record highs this year.
- Biden has cut the deficit by one-third.
Writing about technology, William Gibson famously said, “The future is already here — it’s just not evenly distributed.” The same is true of prosperity. And the algorithms that increasingly run our lives want to convince us that everything is awful. IRL the Biden administration has an economic record to be proud of, and Harris should embrace and extend it. She is campaigning on expanding housing construction, reducing student debt, increasing child tax credits, bringing back manufacturing jobs, and helping the sandwich generation care for their aging parents. The other side’s policies are inflationary: raising tariffs and cutting immigration. The GOP’s other standby, tax cuts, adds to the deficit, and that debt is an enormous long-term tax, particularly on young people. Older people (e.g., me) aren’t going to be around to pay off the deficit; young people are.
Historically, being a provider was a man’s job, though we now live in a world where physical strength doesn’t carry as much weight economically, meaning women can bring home just as much bacon as men. But women becoming breadwinners doesn’t mean the role is any less important for men. A guy with a decent job in a strong economy is creating wealth, paying taxes, and earning social capital, not to mention his own self-respect. He’s a more attractive potential husband and father. As Richard Reeves says “He adds surplus value.”
The No. 1 condition for the development of male providers — a strong and expanding economy — is far more likely under Harris. There is near-universal agreement on this among economists, Nobel laureates, and investment banks that have bothered to do the math.
This election is about policies, but it is also about values.
If you’re looking for a good shorthand term for healthy masculinity circa 2024, you could do a lot worse than the word “mensch,” which in German simply means “human” and in Yiddish describes “a person of integrity or rectitude; a just, honest or honorable person.” The first instinct of a mensch is to protect, to sacrifice for something bigger than oneself, not to pick on the vulnerable. Real men don’t start bar fights; they break up bar fights. They don’t shit-post their country, they defend it.
Harris’s running mate, Tim Walz, demonstrated that instinct during his long service in the National Guard (as did JD Vance, by enlisting in the Marines). Walz also exhibited the impulse to protect as a high school teacher and football coach in Mankato, Minnesota, where he was an adviser to LGBTQ kids starting a gay-straight alliance. “I understood what it meant to be that older, straight, white guy who was coaching football,” he said recently. “It’s easy to be an ally when it’s easy to be an ally. What really matters is knowing who’s going to be at your side and stand up when it’s hard.”
The Democrats have done poorly reaching out to young men. Picking an “America’s dad” type guy for VP, somebody with gray hair who can talk to both football players and queer kids, was an important move in bridging the gap and a statement of principle. A man’s default setting should be to move to protect, in any situation.
The third foundational element of masculinity — the third leg of the stool, if you will — is ensuring the species endures. Which starts with … sex.
When I was a kid, my mom was worried I’d get into too much trouble. I believe today’s parents are concerned our kids won’t find enough. Peter Attia and Andrew Huberman have declared war on alcohol, where they see ill health and drunkenness. Where young people and drinking are concerned, I see togetherness. But that’s another post.
My generation never gave up on sex. However, lately, underemployed and screen-bound young men, who feel rejected in an increasingly winner-take-all online dating market, have thrown in the towel. About 63% of young men are single, and a lot of them aren’t even trying to date. Meanwhile, young women find themselves in an intensifying competition for a shrinking pool of what they view as acceptable mates. The viral hit was “I’m looking for a man in finance,” not “I’m looking for a high school dropout who lives with his parents.”
Young men need guardrails, and there are few stronger than the prospect of maintaining a romantic relationship. A decent summary of the key moments between me and several of my first post-college girlfriends went something like this: “Get your shit together, or I am going to stop having sex with you (i.e., break up).” This was motivating, and needed.
Young men today have fewer venues where they can meet potential romantic partners. With fewer of them going to college or church, and more of them working remotely, men have less social interaction and no ability to build social capital. Less sex ultimately means less intimacy, less marriage, and fewer kids.
Straight young men are interested in straight young women because they want to have sex. We tend to act as if there’s something wrong with that: There isn’t. Sex and the pursuit of it leads to romance and intimacy and lights a fire under young men to better themselves to be more attractive to potential mates.
This intimacy often involves sacrifice, the forsaking-all-others stuff that comes when a pair of young people decide, “I choose you.” This often leads to children. The most wonderful things in life, in my experience, lack rationality and structure. My grandmother, re finding a mate, used to say, “You have your list, and then you fall in love and tear up your list.” The person you fall for, and how it happens, will likely make less sense than almost any other important thing in your life. And that’s one of the reasons it’s wonderful. It speaks to you on a different level. Not what society or your parents want … but what you desire. And, eventually, the answer to the most important question of your life: Who do you want to have a family with?
According to Gallup, though, only about 21% of Americans under 30 have kids. In 1980 the figure was about 38%; in 1950 it was about 50%. There are a lot of reasons for that, but the war on bodily autonomy is a contributing factor. The state laws restricting or banning abortion that sprang up in the wake of Roe’s demise are designed to limit the sexual freedom of young women (and men), and undermine their ability to get into the game and create families.
The people most vulnerable in a post-abortion America are poor women. Affluent women will be able to get hold of mifepristone or to travel for a safe, legal abortion. A pregnant 17-year-old, Black, single mother in Alabama, however, is at ground zero for an emerging gender apartheid. She’s likely already poor, and forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, she and the father (if he’s even in the picture) become less likely to escape poverty.
While Democrats have pushed hard to get young women to turn out and vote, the Harris campaign hasn’t been making the case to young men that the fight for bodily autonomy involves them, too. That needs to change.
Harris in the White House offers a chance to begin to reclaim the Supreme Court for the majority in this country who support bodily autonomy and a national effort to roll back state restrictions on it.
Not Heaven
I don’t think electing Harris and Walz is going to magically bring young men out of the crisis they are in. I do think, however, that it’s an important step.
A vote for Harris and Walz is a vote for the future, a vote to continue to improve economic policies that have served America well, that can give young men a place in it. It is also a vote for a shift in the way we think about masculinity in this country.
This is the most anxious generation in U.S. history. Action absorbs anxiety, and I hope young men will exercise their agency and support candidates who enable them to be providers, protectors, and procreators. I believe a Harris/Walz administration will serve young men well. If you disagree, again, we’ll both be fine.
Life is so rich,
P.S. This week on the Prof G Pod I discussed grit and perseverance with psychologist and UPenn Professor Angela Duckworth. Listen here on Spotify or here on the Apple podcast network.
P.P.S. Section’s AI:ROI Conference is three weeks from today, on November 14. I’ll be sharing my latest predictions — will there be an AI bubble or a growth wave? — and leaders like Moderna’s VP of AI will share how they achieved AI wins like 80% internal adoption. It’s free, register now.
Totally unbelievable that Trump has won.
US influence round the world will be significantly reduced.
Inflation that the US has just gotten under control is likely to increase thanks to Trump’s tariffs.
RJK jr. has already talked about dismantling the FDA which includes the CDC. H5N1 is currently killing birds, pigs and people in America, so not really a good time to go rogue.
Ukraine is trying to pull NATO member Poland into its war with Russia before Trump throws them under a bus, but thankfully Poland has said no.
More countries unhappy with Israel’s genocide in Gaza are now speaking up, no need to listen to the US administration any more. Ireland has joined South Africa in its ICJ case against Israel. Other countries are now banning selling weapons to Israel.
Trump takes traditional US allies for granted so they are now going to do what they like, rather than what the US administration previously dictated.
It is like a rubber band that was pulled, with the US holding the end, is now being released, the US has lost control, much of the world can now act in their own interests, without US constraints. All of those groupings, such as the extended BRICS, ASEAN, EU etc. are going to have more influence. The movement has already started happening, like they had a strategy in the box ready to pull out if Trump got in.
Per court testimony, the DNC has “fiduciary obligation on corporations to protect their shareholders and protect against tortious conduct like misrepresentation, not fundamental rights secured by the constitution.”
The DNC is wholly owned by BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard, 3 investment banks that own each other. Democrats are employees of the DNC, which is why the DNC’s employees become wealthy once in office and thereafter. They not a political party, but they pretend to be in real life.
Scott says, “According to Gallup, though, only about 21% of Americans under 30 have kids… in 1950 it was about 50%. There are a lot of reasons for that, but the war on bodily autonomy is a contributing factor.”
In 1950, abortion was largely illegal in the United States. Roe V Wade was 1973. So, at a time when there was virtually no “bodily autonomy,” procreation was thriving.
Additionally, I would suggest that the most marriage and procreation occurring today is among young religious people who tend to have fewer sexual relationships, but who start out young having meaningful, marital and family relationships.
My guess is that Scott is romanticizing the escapades of his early adulthood which occurred at a time when the culture encouraged, not marriage and procreation, but serial monogamy (as reflected in shows like, “Seinfeld,” and “Friends.” I know plenty of people who ended up in midlife with a long trail of ‘meaningful” relationships, none of which panned out in terms of marriage and procreation.
Sorry it’s taken me this long to subscribe to your newsletter. I love you on Pivot annd Prof G…and I don’t always agree with you but you make thoughtful arguments. Heard you say you lost some subscribers after writing this endorsement, so thought I’d sign up to make up some of that loss!
Judging by the comments, it appears many readers who disagree have missed the point. You have decided to not listen to women, who have been screaming the answer to whom you are supposed to be. Women’s ability to choose if and when they want to become pregnant is good for men as well. Without it, they may choose not to date or have sex. They don’t want to marry you if you aren’t contributing equally to: finances, raising children, and managing a household. Women don’t need to be taken care of by men. They want to be supported, their opinions considered, and respected. What they don’t want is another person to take care of along with children. That is why women wait to have children, marry later and are more selective.
Thank you for this Scott. I listen to you twice a week on Pivot and, dick jokes aside, have come to really value your thoughts. Not saying I always agree with you but I appreciate that you put in the work to hold and express valid and thoughtful opinions. I bought your book for my nephew! I hope he’s been reading it! Thanks for all you do.
Sorry, Scott. I’m part of the demographic this post is directed towards. I already voted for DJT in a swing state. My life was objectively better during DJT’s administration than it has been under the Harris (let’s be very clear that Biden has been near-comatose his entire term) administration. Looking forward to watching you and all of the other “white dudes for Harris” cry after Trump wins, again.
During Trump’s term I was working salary and had the exact same paycheck every 2 weeks.
When Trump’s tax cuts went into effect it was like I got a raise and I saw that extra cash in every paycheck.
Trump literally put money in my pocket.
Trump has got a plan to make people’s lives better in 2025: eliminating taxes, eliminating regulations, cutting the price of energy, seizing assets from drug cartels to reimburse victims of crimes, using federal land to build new cities, creating jobs and opportunity ect, ect.
Trump has a plan.
All the Democrats have is “I came from a Middle Class background, unburdened by what has been.” and bitching non stop about Trump. People that have been working in government for decades have nothing to run on other than just complaining about the guy who was only in office for 4 years / 4 years ago.
They have absolutely no plan to make your life better.
The Biden Administration’s $7.5 billion effort to jump-start the electric-vehicle charging landscape is moving very, very slowly. Now more than two years after the program was signed into law in late 2021, only eight chargers have been put in place.
So each of those stations took 2 years to make and cost about $937M each
In 2021, the Biden Administration passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which included a provision to give $42.5 billion to the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program to provide under-served and rural areas with internet access.
To date, it has connected nobody.
Remember these numbers when you are buying your groceries.
Remember these numbers when you vote.
Remember when the Biden / Harris Administration pulled out of Afghanistan and left behind $85+ Billion dollars worth of military weapons and equipment, some of which was brand new, state of the art, for absolutely no good reason whatsoever?
For those of you that run your own business, what would you think if some of your employees abandoned $85B worth of product, some of which was brand new product, in the hands of your competitors / enemies?
Was that incompetence or was that intentional?
And what would you do to those employees?
At the very least they would be fired, right?
I would also look into filing criminal charges, civil charges, ect.
But at the very least they would be fired.
The last thing you would be doing is keeping them on, giving them promotions, and making arguments to extend their contracts another 4 years.
And yet, here we are.
Hi Scott, I’m a fan of some of your podcasts. I get some of the points made in this article, and I’m not really debating the endorsement itself, but this post really lacks specific evidence.
You say, “I have spent a decent amount of time reviewing the different economic policies and positions of both campaigns and feel Harris’s policies…” but the only hard data there is on the deficit, but it’s still lacking numbers. One thing to not is that both candidates have promised deficit increasing policies, though Kamala is projected to make a smaller increase by using higher taxes. We all know that’s half of the problem. The federal reserve has manipulated a lot of the economy as well. Neither candidate has ACTUALLY stated they want to decrease the deficit, or that they view this as a critical problem. Neither candidate stated that they want to control the federal reserve’s inflationary policies. In fact I have heard suggestions they wasn’t to demand rate decrease. The fed still has billions in mortgage backed securities on their balance sheets – why is that the case when we are not in a recession? Neither candidate cares about this stuff that much.
What I’m getting at is, more context, quotes, hard data would make this stronger.
Trump’s firehose volume of hate rhetoric toward people of color, immigrants and democrats is like the frightened continuous barking dogs. In battle I Iearned that the toughest talking men are not the bravest. They are the barking dogs.
The Left nearly burned down Washington on Trump’s inauguration in 2017, were allowed to burn down and destroy most of America almost nightly for the BLM riots, called Trump Hitler over and over again, shot Trump in the face, but somehow we are all the bad guys here and you’re all just perfect.
What a bunch of angry losers.
Even when you guys control everything; The Media, Entertainment, Hollywood, Academia, Tech, Pop Culture, ect, ect, ect. You guys always have been and always will be a bunch of angry losers.
Look forward to your posts.
Indenting at the start of each paragraph, or better yet would make reading easier.
Just sayin.
Liberals control the majority of Mass Media
Liberals control the majority of Entertainment
Liberals control the majority of Hollywood
Liberals control the the majority of tech / search engines / social media that has been rigging the game in their favor
Liberals are the party of lawfare and using the DOJ to go after their political enemies
Liberals are the party of riots, violence, BLM, & ANTIFA to beat up and intimidate people
Liberals control all of this
And watch.
They are still going to lose
No footnotes to the NYT article here, but found the story anyhow and one fact you don’t mention is “The Times/Siena poll shows Ms. Harris faring worse among younger men (and better among young women) than other polls do.” For example, a Harvard Kennedy poll — exclusively of 18-29 voters — finds that young men who say they DEFINITELY WILL VOTE, support Harris over Trump, 55% to 38%, with those less likely to vote favoring Trump over Harris, 37% to 26%.
So the gender gap is a bit more complex than you let on.
Bigger issue is how a gender gap supports your endorsement. You maintain that young men are in a nationwide malaise and that Harris would somehow be good for them — without explaining why.
Assuming this national young male malaise is real (and I personally think it’s exaggerated), I’d love it if one party in this race had the answer to male drug abuse, loneliness and depression. But both parties have had their man in office over the past 8 years, and not only is there lack of any improvement in the plight of young men, there is little difference in the social policies addressing this demographic.
Also in would put the budget deficit in the “lack of discernible difference” category. Neither candidate has addressed the deficit, while both advocate fiscal policies that will make it worse. If we want to avoid a future debt crisis, we need to send the President Elect to fiscal re-education camp, no matter who wins on Nov 5.
No footnotes to the NYT article here, but found the story anyhow and one fact you don’t mention is “The Times/Siena poll shows Ms. Harris faring worse among younger men (and better among young women) than other polls do.” The author (Nat For example, thr
There are arguments to go either way and both choices are bad. But at least Trump is a very well know threat while Kamala candidacy starts with the biggest lie ever – Biden is in great shape and actually in control of our Government, not to mention all of her flip-flops trying no be seen as a radical leftist, impossible to trust anything she says
Agree with everything except… Mankato is pronounced Man-KAY-toh.
Kamala a bitch FR FR
I am curious about the “young men” target group, how is the race factor in this analysis and does this differs between the states of USA?
I am making an assumption that the socioeconomical impact on young men has an impact as well as pressure from parents with different racial, ethnical backgrounds.
However it would be interesting to read about “young men” group analysed into factors of commonality versus other factors such as religion, ethnical background etc.
How many people in total do you expect this article to be read by? Does it really matter now if a legislator reads and agrees to act on the article? What bill do you expect to come out of such an action? Would it not be discriminatory against women? Dare I say inflationary perhaps if impact is the objective?
Thanks for your thoughtful points. I agree 100% the young men in America need help. We need more strong Men and more strong fathers. That is a core part of our nations future.
I do NOT see how the Democratic Party has anything to help young men. In fact it seems like the Democratic Party is alway doing or promoting the opposite.
So I guess I don’t see your point or how Kamala would help any of this.
Being a man is not the hyper-masculinity that many tout. Instead we should seek to be gentlemen, which I think intersects neatly with what Scott outlines. Less some action hero and a little more Jimmy Stewart.
complaining about ““Who we serve” is like complaining that there’s no “white pride month,” as well as, VERY misleading. Of the 16 “buckets” on the site, young men fall into 14(!!!) of them. The only ones they don’t fit into are (1) seniors and retirees and (2) women
Politics aside, who do we want as a role model for our young men? You want Donald Trump? Really? The man is wholly without integrity. He is a pathological liar. Dozens of women have accused him of sexual assault. He is the most venal, cruel, self-absorbed bully who has ever held the office of president.
In his NYT interview, John Kelly confirmed that Trump called the USA’s war dead “losers and suckers.” And he said that TO KELLY. Kelley’s son was a combat Marine killed in Afghanistan. (And yes, I believe Kelly.) Setting aside the fact it’s an incredibly heartless remark, what does that say about Trump’s judgement? Telling a former 4 star general whose son was killed in combat that America’s war dead were “losers and suckers.” It defies explanation. And this is the man you want as president and role model for our young men? We are now officially in the bizarro world.
U nailed it for me! Consider this… do U want the arrogant, successful, pompous orthopedic surgeon replacing your knee/joint, OR, do you want that person no one wanted 4 years ago, can’t even articulate how to play the game “Operation”? And, your data is so flawed it is despicable! Inflation down 2.2%! Ha! Your kids will buy the Trump eggs at $1.51/dozen, sell them back to YOU at $3.78 (includes 8 cent price reduction). Biden has not cut the deficit 1/3. It’s now over $35 Trillion!! Walz’s family members oppose his political beliefs!
You have confused the deficit with the debt, which is the total of the deficits.
Biden has indeed reduced the annual deficits. Trump had the record high. That is, the debt is growing slower than under Trump.
Some of Walz’s second cousins disagree with him. But Trump’s niece supports Harris, volubly. Not sure either of these matter, but we shouldn’t do one without the other.
Case not proven. Love the books and the pod. We live in one of the most liberal parts of Atlanta and we see firsthand the devastation the years of war on boys has wrought. Our sons and their friends have wholly rejected the alphabet soup of inclusion they have been fed. The message that they have learned in this process is that they are the problem.
We had neighbors over last night and talked about this. I know my oldest will vote for Trump. He doesn’t understand the policies or the repercussions despite our conversations. His vote is a counterpunch to the war on men.
If this election comes down to how the 20 something men vote, Trump is going to win. I hate writing this.
Guest suggestion for the pod on this topic. Check out the host of WhatAltHist. He’s a very smart and articulate 23 year old. The conversation between you two would be fascinating.
Which 20-something men? The guys who are rich or handsome can prey on women with the Dems’ blessing AND bully the guys who aren’t as lucky with the Dems’ blessing, at least if you listen to the words of Tim Walz and Alex Ocasio-Cortez.
I’m saddened that everyone ignored it when Walz and Ocasio-Cortez went after incels, who are merely anyone who hasn’t had sex in the past six months.
Some of the people who bully incels may be incels themselves and not know it because they’re too damn stupid to look up the definition of a word to know who they’re bullying. Reading the comments of people who bully incels, it may be a large some.
How could Joe Biden call ANYONE garbage if he hasn’t applied the word garbage to Walz and Ocasio-Cortez?
I hope Kamala Harris and others in the Democratic Party who claim to be sane and not filled with hate will look at the words of Walz and Ocasio-Cortez and condemn them for their stupidity and hatred, as Kamala did when Biden spoke up with stupidity and hatred.
As a mother of two boys, I could not agree more with this piece. My older son fell a pray of Andrew Tates 3 years ago , and it was extremely hard to get him out of the toxic masulinity world. My younger now getting in to his teens also doesnt see any purpose, especially in school. I worry about their future every hour of the day! The struggle is real. I am working parent, they did grew up in a housw where woman (me) is respected , can be independant and take decisions about her own body , life, work etc. So the example is there, but I see that more is needed for those young men. They need friends , male examples , bonding. Thank you for being their advocate.
“Breaking Bad” When good people go Trump:
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”
One doesn’t support Trump because “he’s a good person” or because he’s ethical, moral or honest. What qualities does he add to humanity?
Seven deadly sins: pride, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, sloth, and wrath are not qualities.
He possesses none of the heavenly virtues. (1) humility, (2) charity, (3) chastity, (4) gratitude, (5) temperance, (6) patience, and (7) diligence.
Trump’s rise corresponds with a moral decay of the most basic humanity- to do good to one’s fellow man.
Trump plays to our base survival instincts and fears. He exploits human weakness.
Shame you have yet to retract on your wholly supportive commentary of Israel and the Zionist movement of military colonialism. Your political views cannot be taken seriously when your moral compass is determined by dogmatic faith rather than justice, reason and equality; you have a platform and therefore a responsibility to step up.
When Hamas, The Palestinian Authority, the PLO formerly – whomever is “in charge” as political leadership in Gaza (and more broadly in Lebanon as well with Hezbollah as proxy for Iran) – publicly announce that they recognize Israeli as a country, a state, a people, then all are doomed for this continued bloodshed. In the past 30 years, there a have been no less than seven different plans/offers for peace brokered by the US and Israel to provide for a two-state solution for Palestine. And every time, the Palestinian leadership has said no. Why? Because they would have to recognize Israel as part of the agreement. They are bullies focused on retaining fear and power over a civilian population that is powerless to drive change.
Scott, you are a great writer.
I think you rightly point out the key issues, I don’t think Harris is anyhow a good person to tackle them (now anything else).
Her only positive treat is not being Trump, which I think is enough to vote for her, but it’s frankly a very sad state of affairs. There was never an election where it was so much about his voting against rather than for
Every election is, like South Park did in 2004, “a choice between an dushbag and a turd sandwich”. That simple.
Excellent, insightful article. I have an idea that relates to this in terms of the wealth divide and corporate governance that could be the basis of research or a book for you. If you’re interested, write back. Don’t want too much divulged here.
Were you threatening to quit your own blog if you didn’t endorse a candidate, or were you worried that we thought you were a Trump supporter?
After hearing The Walzhole’s comments on J.D. Vance’s nonexistent incel situation and similar words of walzholery toward men who haven’t had sex lately from Alex Ocasio-Cortez, I would doubt that a ticket that includes a Walzhole would do much for any young man who’s alone, and the possibility that they’ve sent a few more bullies in the young men’s direction is something I find objectionable.
I wonder how many men have been bullied or manipulated by AOC in her day, if she’s still making comments like that now.
username checks out
What is a walzhole? I have never heard of such a thing.
If you only respect men for how much sex they’ve had, which is what you’re saying when you hate on incels (anyone who hasn’t had sex in the last six months), you don’t really respect women, either.
If you’re saying men need to have sex to gain your respect, you’re saying you respect players who would get women drunk to meet their needs or con them into one-night stands.
I was on a college campus where a lot of that happened, and I’ve faced enough bullying to understand that’s what even some women then were telling me.
It’s just a shitty thing when it comes from a political party, and we’ve had the likes of Tim Walz and Alex Ocasio-Cortez say it for the Democrats.
If you only respect men based on their sex lives rated by volume, you can’t possibly respect women.
Thank you for articulating the current state in of affairs and highlighting solution steps!
This is my first e-mail from you ! Please keep them coming as I thoroughly enjoyed it !
I look forward to receiving more !
Thank you,
garrickcon @ gmail.com
Thanks, Scott. I agree with most of what you stated but have issue with the opening and closing statements that we will be fine either way. I don’t believe that to be the case at all. A Trump presidency will destabilize the economy and the basis of our government. Concentrating power in the presidency while undermining professional and independent governmental institutions won’t be easily unwound. Yeah, the nation might stand but it could be imperiled for generations by Trump’s mismanagement and malfeasance. I hope young men see this and step up and act. I know my three son’s (in their twenties) will. Hoping for a better and more united nation.
Agree Pete.
A lot of comments regarding the state of young men’s health. And then in the same paragraph pointing a finger across the aisle. I do believe many young men feel so disillusioned because of this type of rhetoric. Where might we find our sense of agency if since arriving at adulthood we’ve been told that all of our most important problems are beyond our locus of control and are actually the work of some faceless, apparently omniscient puppet master that always seems to be one step ahead and one too many steps to the Left or Right. And of course, there are other causes for behind that state of men’s health but while we are here in the comments, let’s assume some responsibility and try to have better conversations. Remember we’ll die one day and there’s a nonzero percent chance our grandkids read these comments. Whatever you gotta tell yourself to do better.
It seems the Harris team has the personnel and the package of programs that could specifically address and engage this 24% of the electorate. Tim Walz needs to do 3 key addresses per day over the following 10 days (in 30 key locations) speaking directly to these young men inspiring them to get involved, vote, and contribute to lifting this great nation to higher levels in the years to come.
I appreciate a thought provoking article on the candidates. The concept of destroying a fetus and turns into protecting procreation seems misguided. We average 1million abortions a year and this has not changed so the fear mongering on the left seems misguided. In the end we have two poor candidates imo
Supporting DEI, the minority employment act for power hungry do-nothings, is what brought Dumpster back. Between the Dem’s love if DEI and GOP’s disdain for the poor and middle class, we are toast.
Who is served? Kamala has accomplished virtually nothing in her career. Got into politics the way that actress friends of Weinstein got parts in movies. Questionable policies as DA. Third worst voting attendance in the Senate. Immoral behavior in the Kavanaugh hearings, blatantly lying. Lowest polling VP in HISTORY. Serving ‘young men well’? They need a moral and hard working person as a guide and role model. Harris, and indeed the whole ‘men in skirts’ Biden administration, has failed our country. Fake it, party instead of work, lie when needed. Sleep with whomever/whatever gets you ahead. All ‘values’ of Harris.
And you propose for model….the.other.guy??????
I can ignore the blatant misogyny of your post but not the morality and hard work. Really? The other candidate is hard working and moral???? You are living in an alternate universe.
Learn to read. No other candidate was mentioned except Kamala, who this piece was about.
Learn to read and think critically. The rejection of one candidate does not equal the support of the other candidate.
Prof G,
As a veteran in the innovation and entrepreneurship space, astonishing that in your whole analysis you made virtually no mention of policy or track record….and which both Harris and Walz fail miserably. The notion of taxing unrealized capital gains would destroy VC as a funding model for innovation, and Walz has the worst fiscal track record of any governor in all 50 states. I understand Biden – Harris represent the “woke” agenda that appeals to many academics, but if we really want prosperity in the US, a Harris victory certainly will not deliver that. The importation of millions of illegals in an effort to create one party rule for generations to come would just solidify the slide into economic failure…but the Dems only care about winning at any cost so if they can get enough of those folks illegally onto the voter rolls then mission accomplished.
Taxing unrealized capital gains on people with a net worth in excess of $200M will have no effect on the VC model. The primary concern for entrepreneurs and their investors is never “What are the tax consequences if we are successful?” I’ve never even heard it discussed in a funding discussion.
In point of fact subsidizing investment over labor artificially skews the market for capital. A “fair” system of taxation to pay for government would tax all income as income (same progressive rates for all types of income) and eliminate all deductions. Add in a minimum guaranteed income and you could eliminate many of the social programs like food stamps (a subsidy to farmers) and truly simplify the system.
I understand that you been a huge advocate for young men and see that they need mentors, role models, a greater purpose, and generally be uplifted. A lot of young men are lost and have a sense of hopelessness because they either do not have a male role model at home or feel the government is not advocating on their behalf (esp. the democrats. See above).
Even with a great economy men still feel a sense of purposeless and are lost. They need a strong role model that been through rough time, succeeded despite his circumstances via his grit, intellect, and hard work, and attaches himself to a duty to his church, family, and county.
The only candidate in this election that fits that description is J.D. Vance. I don’t understand what you have against him (Obama did deported 3 million people. btw) but he’s seems exactly like the man who followed your advice.
Trump denies anything to do with Project 2025 – he knows his support would make him unelectable. However…
1) he is named in the document more than 300 times
2) hundreds of people who did create it were associated with or employed by Trump’s administration
3) Trump’s previous VP, Pence, proclaimed a tight association from Day 1 of the Trump admin.
4) Kevin Roberts who heads the Heritage Foundation, also talked of the tight Trump-Heritage relationship. He discounted Trump’s disclaimer as “strategic.”
Project 2025 requires 20,000 employees, per Roberts. It would dismantle the federal government and its bureaucracy, to be remade in the image of Trump.
He would control the Executive branch (with expanded powers and new “immunity” law), the Judiciary (Supreme Court), and the Legislative (if Republicans win congress) – all 3 branches. The remade bureaucracy, the new Fed (ouch!), and generals who are loyal to him – all must obey.
Total control. Study how Putin accomplished the transition from democratically elected to dictator for life. Same playbook.
But I digress…
Bottom line: The attempted coup is all one needs to know. As stated by his generals and former senior assistants of Trump himself, he is unfit for the office.
I agree with you, Scott – uplifting the lot of young men is critical. But the biggest reason to support Harris is existential. It would be a cataclysmic error to elect Trump.
I agree with you, Scott, but there is a more important reason to support Harris. in a word, it’s Trump.
I could list 50 reasons to reject Trump, purely on policy (e.g., his economic plan that increases the deficit by $7 trillion). The guy has also uttered 10 declarations / committed offences that would have disqualified EVERY other male politician or CEO (e.g., from “pussy-grabbing” to Stormy Daniels and other Weinstein-level misogyny). However…
THE #1 reason to vote for Harris is Trump’s ongoing refusal to accept his 2020 loss, despite 60 legal judgments against him. His refusal culminated on Jan 6, 2021, when he gathered, roused and provoked a mob to block the final step of a peaceful transfer of power from Trump to Biden. (He even promised to lead them to the Capital.)
And Vance (aka “never-Trump”)? He won’t admit it, either. Remember his answer to Walz about whether Trump won in 2020?
He avoided the question – “preferred to look to the future.” It’s the only way to go if you know the truth, but can’t say THAT. On the other hand, why not lie and just say that Trump won? He’d be foolish to lie about a FACT when the majority of undecided’s believe Trump won.
Unfortunately, Trump’s past is prologue to OUR future. Much of his plan for the future of the nation (“Project 2025”) can only be implemented by one who has total disdain for the Constitution.
Harris would be Biden 2.0.
Canceling student debt for students that can easily repay their student debt was bad legislation.
BBB was bad legislation.
The Biden administration allowed the border to get out of hand.
Border crossings are way down now. Why?
Laws that were being ignored are now being enforced.
Two major wars.
I thought we were the world’s peacekeeper?
Love reading the wingnuts complaining in the comments.
I get your concern about men, but for me the overriding concern is whether we’ll have a democracy at all if Trump gets back in. He, Vance, and his Project 2025 backers don’t want it. The rule of law is my paramount concern.
The next concern is climate change. Never put fools in power who deny the obvious, and that’s today’s Republican party.
Drink Da Koolaid!
Scott, I generally appreciate the depth of your reasoning and evidence, but you’re not doing it here. You make no real case that bodily autonomy (which I’m for) bears on the problems of young men, but merely assert that it does. The party of “everyone but white males” would need to own its impact if it had any real solution to the problems.
Again, we have two deeply problematic candidates. One incompetent, one personality disordered. If you can’t own Kamala’s incompetence, well, you’re just not being all that objective.
Scott —Are you serious ?unlike your usual candor and honesty – you left out one important word /descriptor… “white” young men are being left behind !
Harris/Walz not only does not support white young men…they think they are the problem!
Shame on you for caving
Also if you truly supported Israel like you proclaim, you would not support a candidate that said “ she studied the map and forbade Israel to go into Gaza”
Really disappointed!
What a bizzare point of view…. supporting Israel doesn’t mean allowing Israeli crimes against humanity, illegal occupation and apartheid to go unpunished. If you support Israel then you should seek justice for the Palestinians as that is the only long term strategic saviour of Israel… white supremacy and military colonialism have no place in this day and age.
Scott —Are you serious ?unlike your usual candor and honesty – you left out one important word /descriptor… “white” young men are being left behind !
Harris/Walz not only does not support white young men…they think they are the problem!
Shame on you for caving
Also if you truly supported Israel like you proclaim, you would not support a candidate that said “ she studied the map and forbade Israel to go into Gaza”
Incels — usually defined as men who haven’t had sex in six months or longer (although the term could also refer to a woman in the same situation) — aren’t all white males. Democrats have been telling some black men and other men of color that they’re a problem, too.
Incel is more of a sign of cultural and economic stresses than personal weakness, and it isn’t going to neatly hit where you want it to, if anyone reading this is the kind of sick person who would want someone else to be alone and probably bullied.
JD Vance wasn’t going to be suddenly incel because Walzhole said it, after all.
Should rename this to “Man worth $100M+ Endorses Kamala Harris.”
I voted for Biden in 2020 and I deeply regret it. I will never vote democrat again. In fact, I already mailed in my ballot and voted for Trump. Is he the best? No. Could we do alot better? Sure. But would I pick Kamala or Trump? Hell no.
Scott – You are hosting a new podcast called “Raging Moderates” but you AND Jessica said LOUDLY on the podcast that you are both democrats; the ultimate head fake and lie. Why did you just not name the podcast “Raging Democrats.”
Scott; I understand your claim to fame is business and politics and business are intertwined somewhat; but enough already. Stick to business and bridge into politics when needed, not the other way around.
Office hours are also becoming a joke; I submitted a hard hitting question on June 27th and it remains unanswered; probably because it was not a softball question you could not pontificate on.
Either way; I do like you and your pod; but your starting to lean way to far to the left and unable to provide a centrist view.
BREAKING NEWS: Epstein Client List and P Diddy Client Endorse Kamala Harris
Well, no surprise that one college underperformer would endorse another poor college performer.
But to conflate voting for Kamala with Masculinity is the ultimate gaslight. Was the Dudes for Kamala political commercial Scott’s idea? Weird to think a childless woman like Kamala who couldn’t give straight answers is somehow going to solve the problems facing young men. Fact of the matter is, she has no skin in the game regarding the future of America. Trump out procreates her by infinity with dozens of grandchildren from every kind of background…Jewish, WASP, and Lebanese-Nigerian. He has strong buy-in in the USA’s future because his descendants will be living in the world he leaves behind.
As for abortions, 97% of abortions were done because the women were 304’s. Only 3% falls under the special cases. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court pushed it down to the states, not abolish it.
Finally, ridiculous to think someone who can’t protect our Southern border and a VP candidate who is effectively a deserter will represent the other masculine value of protecting. They sure protected Israel’s plan for Iran real well. The only providing a Harris Administration will provide our country is endless crime and wars, reduced global influence, and a currency crisis.
Speaking of women’s (and men’s) bodily autonomy, here are just a few of the seachange headlines from this week:
Massive Covid Vaccine study involving 1.7 million children finds heart damage has only occurred in the Vaccinated.
Bill Gates and Pfizer CEO to stand trial in Netherlands in covid vaccine lawsuit.
BART workers fired due to COVID vaccine mandate to get over $1M each, federal jury decides
The tide is turning.
Everyone that tried to bully, harass, and threaten anyone to be a part of this medical experiment and take these deadly shots is on notice.
We have not forgotten what you did.
Your Judgement Day is coming.
Nuremberg 2.0
“Enough already. Federal law should require any citizen who wants to cash a government check, use public transport, or enter a place of business to show proof of vaccination.”
– Scott Galloway
What a surprise.
Wait until the “most lethal military in the world Kamala has said more than once she wants needs serious manpower, which it will. That’ll solve the young men problem, for sure. But, you and I will be fine on the sidelines as old men.
Older man here – whether you are young or old – rich or poor – if you think that voting for the Harris will change your life, OH it will in the worse way… Four more years of Biden/Obama/Clinton ????
While I praise Scott on continuing to highlight the critical issue of re-engaging young men, the Hmm, this article is Scott’s unsuccessful attempt to justify his loathing of Trump. While I appreciate Scott continuing to highlight the significant issues for our young men, Dems have zero interest in young men, as highlighted by the DNC website. For example, in California (solely run by Dems) our PK-12 public education is rated 40th worst. How does that help young men? Greatly raising the minimum wage has caused more automation and fewer jobs for…young men.
What Scott doesn’t seem to get is that you can loathe Trump, and then loathe Kamala even more. One candidate actually hates young men, and it’s not Trump.
The Left has continually told us that men (specifically white men) are the root cause of the majority of the problems in the US. So how does electing Harris/Waltz fix that? Will they suddenly have a change of heart and stop blaming them for all the problems?
Exactly. Electing Kamala will be the final nail in the coffin for this demographic. She wants to finish the job.
The “left” and the “right” are two very large groups of people with mostly mainstream-media misrepresented views (extra points for alliteration thanks). Genuinely, how many self-identified members of the prestigious club that is The Left™, have told you to your face that white men are the “root cause of the majority of the problems in the US”?
I’m not a young white man so it doesn’t bother me. But for those in the younger generation, social media is filled with people blaming them for problems. Getting constantly bombarded with this rhetoric has to be quite depressing. I have had conversations with people who literally think men (more specifically white men) are the cause of a majority of the problems.
Yeah I agree with that. My point is that there is a frequent disconnect between the reality the media creates and the reality we experience. Thanks for the thoughtful reply, have a good one.
Scott, I usually find your posts insightful and well-articulated, often reflecting a genuine pursuit of truth without an agenda. That’s what makes them resonate. However, this article falls short on several fronts. You point out that Democrats don’t address young men as a demographic they serve, yet you still argue that Harris is the better choice—what makes think she cares, all indications seem to suggest the opposite? It feels like you cherry-picked a few points, tried to create a disconnected circle to support a narrative favoring Harris. Suggesting Harris would help reverse young people’s lack of sexual activity—where’s the evidence for that, maybe the current admin has made it worse, any possibility of that? Additionally, your coincidentally recent negative pieces on Tesla/Elon seem to reinforce a bias.
Totally agree. This latest article is biased and disappointing. Kamala hates men, especially young men. I’m not a troll. This is truth. She’s done absolutely nothing to suggest she cares about what’s happening to young men. She is part of the problem, beating them down.
big thumbs up
Reading a lot of these comments I despair. Anyone actually contemplating voting for Trump can’t be informed. It’s impossible.
Two things that aren’t talked about enough that have destroyed our country …Fox Entertainment News, where lies are normal under the dubious guise of “freedom of speech” and “for entertainment purposes only”. And the algorithms that allow going down rabbit holes of conspiracies and falsehoods. Creating nothing but endless echo chambers. It is possible to completely believe the lies they feed us, because they are endlessly echoed back to us via the algorithms, which will only show you more of the same stuff. So you’ll think it’s true.
These are the TWO issues that need to go away. Otherwise I do see civil war.
I’m going to be voting for Harris, but I really encourage you to consider the other side more carefully. I don’t watch Fox News or use social media, but there are areas where I think Trump would indeed be better than Harris and if he wins, as Scott (perhaps) suggests, we will be ok. There are lots of good reasons not to vote for Harris, and if your goal is to persuade anyone, you’ll get further if you consider them. FWIW I do think that on balance the Democratic platform is still the better choice for the country so that’s where I’m voting, but it’s not because I believe I’m more “informed” that those not making that choice.
Absolutely agree. Very well put. Between Fox news and the Facebook/news algorithms, nobody takes the three seconds to think for themselves or questions whether their “news” is true. Disinformation is poisoning us.
I guess you guys don’t read the SF Chronicle, LA Times, watch MSNBC, etc. Talk about lies. But tell me, do you distinguish between “good lies” and “bad lies”?
Ah, so, you call all of views that don’t confirm to yours as “rabbit holes”, and want to fill them with dirt, right?
If you are watching and still believing Legacy Media after all these hacked interviews with Kamala and some how you believe this is serious journalism, you are the problem. Wake up. #walkaway
Let’s see. Russia and Ukraine are at war, Iran and Israel are at war, China is conducting naval drills off the coast of Taiwan, Iran is about to become a nuclear power, real wages are falling, unemployment is rising . . . but the really important reasons to pick a president are where the candidate stands on abortion and young men.
I’m ready for Scott to start weighing in on the politics of the country where he’s chosen to live as he wishes (the U.K.) and leave the U.S. to those of us who have chosen not to leave.
Could not disagree more. You don’t have to like Trump to see she is NOT fit, prepared, confident in her own skin, capable, or offering leadership needed for this world leadership position. Watch the CNN town hall and ask Anderson Copper if he thinks this is a world leader of any stature. He would say NO absolutely not. She didn’t work in SF she didn’t work or make a difference in CA and as VP she ignored the border in hopes of getting votes from these 21 million “ border crossings”… good god help us all. A few years ago friends said plug our noses a Biden and Harris and hope for the best. It has been the worst. She is not a leader and no matter how terrific the Obamas or the Clinton’s r they cannot do the job for her. We have given money to Gavin in SF and he did nothing but I’d still
Vote for him over her any day in any election. They made a mistake.
I know you know, Anderson Cooper, and what he thinks. Not
and I see that you are a master of understanding leadership.
Except Kamala hates young men…
I know this is a hard pill to swallow for supporters of both candidates but Trump is most likely going to win this election because he speaks to the losers of capitalism (including the men being discussed here) much better than the Democratic Party does. The Democrats have spent this campaign trying to convince people that they’re doing better than they are and Trump has given losers someone to blame other than themselves. Which do you think will be more effective?
Until wealth inequality – the kind that accelerated under Reagan but has been perpetuated by both parties – is corrected, we will be a country that is susceptible to con men and wannabe autocrats the ride populist talking points and are completely ineffective in office. Yes, the US has the best post-Covid economy in the world, but the primary beneficiaries of that are an increasingly small percentage of the populace. That’s not going to move the needle much in a fair election.
I’m voting for Kamala too but I fear that the support behind Trump is indicative of kind of societal cancer that may already be terminal for the principles this great country was founded on.
This is the best response of the bunch (including mine). I have voted early for Harris, mostly to protest Trumpism. But the issue is is you say — too many people feel left behind, and somehow they think a ribald, entitled, semi-lucid man who inherited his wealth is the better answer. Maybe the only way out is to let him have his shot and be ready to collect the pieces as his administration inevitably disintegrates.
I think ProfG hits the nail on the head. Young men are being pushed into a corner that does not give them much wiggle room in a society where every word and action seems to be scrutinized in a confusing and very fast changing dynamic. In terms of the election, who the hell is undecided at this point ? Harris/Walz is the only decent and democratic way forward, whether you agree with all of the talking points or not.
Online comment sections were a mistake. Also, if you think this is the first time Scott has endorsed Kamala, where have you been the last three months?!?
nah online comments good. hate the players not the game.
Well written article. I like the point of view taken by Scott. Besides all the points made, I hope that some people vote on the candidate’s character. As a dad, it’s easy to see which one will be an example for our sons and daughters.
As a Canadian I’m sure I don’t have all the relevant facts. But I share your concerns about young men. Would initiating a draft help some of those “lost” young men?
Scott has written about young men being left behind pretty extensively, as have other authors living in the US. What seemed obvious to them (and readers of their work) is now becoming a more mainstream topic.
One possible response Scott has written about was a “National Peace Corps” similar to our current international Peace Corps, where young people would have the opportunity to engage with a different community, offering skills, connecting, learning empathy, etc. As a stopgap between high school and whatever might come next, this is an awesome idea.
From my experience as a young person in the US, there’s no better reset than volunteering and putting yourself into a different environment than the one where you are competing with familiarity. We don’t need to go overseas to find areas that need help – it’s usually just around the corner.
I agree “action absorbs anxiety.” I made a concerted effort after 2020 to consume as little political theater as possible. I encourage young men to not look at what politics can do for you, but how can you benefit from their actions? ultimately that’s what you can control.
I will also add that student loan forgiveness was extremely anti-young man (most men didn’t go to college and now trades workers taxes pay for upper-middle-class tuitions) and demonstrates how Washington so often chooses winners and losers (and young men almost always losers).
It was the predatory nature of the loans interest rates that is the issue. It has nothing to do with being anti male. This loan forgiveness is a drop in the bucket…you want to get pissed off about tax payers dollars, go after the over the top Military Defence budget and the almost 8 trillion deficit that trumps 2017 tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy gave us.
One of your best posts ever. It reminded me of why I like your thoughts so much. I remember when getting into UCLA was so much easier (1970’s) and UC Hastings Law ( UC San Francisco renamed in consideration of how Hastings got his money through genocide of native Americans) were much cheaper (practically free with more diverse student bodies. Hastings went from a top 20 school to struggling to be in the top 60 after affirmative action ended. I hope people take note. God Bless America.
Very brave of you to show your endorsment. I agree with you and I will add some economic reasons to vote for Harris. I believe the tariffs are a terrible strategy to bring manufacture back and it will hurt the conomy at the end.
I love your work. I wholeheartedly disagree with you. I am a student of World War II and Hitler. The parallels are eerily similar. I found the beginning of your newsletter patronizing. We need to work hard to never let Donald Trump get anywhere near the White House again.
Bob Eichenlaub
You still didn’t say WHY Kamala Harris specifically would do a better job related to women’s issues and young men.
Relating to women, Roe v Wade was lawmaking, not law interpretation. So pushing the abortion issue to the states is reasonable in a country where people have very different points of view depending on where they live. (I’d prefer a national 15 week law myself but you figure out how to get Congress to get anything done). The larger issue is the Democratic Party’s disrespect for women regarding this manic focus on gender fluidity. That has an impact on women in sports and in life way more than being able to have an abortion up until birth.
And as far as young men go, I’d rather teach my son (which I have) to respect his family, provide for them, to respect the women in their life, and ask for the same in return. That’s a typical conservative value that seems to have been lost in progressive land. Harris is a progressive wolf in moderate sheep’s clothing…she shouldn’t be trusted to run a gas station (which she would close anyway due to climate change), never mind the most important job in the world.
Ok, so you’d rather vote for a malignant psychopath who is infatuated with dictators. And is losing his marbles? A fehlen with 34 counts, a rapist with 27 women accusing him (tip of the iceberg)
Every every person that has worked closely with him in the whitehouse says he’s nuts. This is why this country will fail. Because people disregard common sense and allow themself to be brainwashed.
Yup. 100%. Especially when most of that mainstream media-generated information is completely BS. You are brainwashed if you believe that Harris, who couldn’t survive the 2020 primaries and was the lowest-rated VP of all time, would do a better job.
What is the value of being condescending/patronizing to one another when discussing this? Yeah you feel good for a few minutes but come on y’all, we can do better. @Steve Promisel, @Jesse
@25 yo man…this is not the time to mince words. Maybe you haven’t been following Trump for the last 9 years to see his failed policies, malfeasance and narcissistic fascist ways. What I wrote is not hyperbole. It is factual truth.
Conventional mainstream legacy media has failed us. They are both-siding things and properly doing their job. Kamala is held to a ridiculously high standard when compared to a man that has been lying and distorting society with his toxic negativity, oldest playbook in the world for wanna be dictators, for the last 9 years.
And for VP to a78 year old man that has clear dementia signs, you wanna vote in someone who has less the. 24 months government experience, who has changed his name countless times, and has called Trump a Hitler.
These are facts. And I could go on….
Forced birth is a terrible policy and would never survive in a real democracy. Because of Donald Trump, there are now some states that will force you to have your rapist’s baby or criminalize you if you leave the state to terminate a pregnancy.
If respecting woman is a conservative value, then why is Donald Trump your nominee? Has there ever been a candidate with a worse history in regards to respecting women? Yet he has overwhelming support within the “conservative” movement. I think it is very safe to say that this is not a shared belief in your party.
I love this! Scott knows that the young men who prefer Trump to Harris are just misguided and uninformed. Therefore their preferences must be ignored. For their own good. Thank you, Scott, for sticking up for young men! You have to be a little paternalistic about it because young men are so stupid, but you and Kamala Harris really are trying to help them, and if you have to help them against their will, so be it. Go Kamala! The young men may not like you now, but they’ll thank you later!
If your goal was to alienate more than half your business audience, then mission accomplished.
…and this is what drives me fucking nuts about “the business audience.” Just because you believe in capitalism doesn’t mean you check your brain at the door when it comes to politics. Look at the facts. Look at the character of each. It’s not hard. Bring your brain to both business and politics.
Do you actually believe Kamala’s character is better than Trumps? What rock have you been living under? Her playbook is “fake it, till you make it”. That’s why everyone struggles with her character. When Trump was president, life was pretty darn good. Strong economy, strong boarder, and no wars.
I’ll be unsubscribing from this newsletter following this endorsement. Scott with your influence it’s truly unfortunate to see this. Harris/Walz has to be the weakest ticket and platform in a generation. Young men are not going to be saved by this party and bigger government is not going to save this country. Its a shame to see
Good riddance. Get a clue
How am I supposed to care about this country, let alone this election, if this is how its people discuss important issues? @JP, @Jon
Professor Galloway is a gifted and persuasive writer and teacher. If he was a student and given an assignment to write the same essay, but to position the alternative outcome — articulating a case for the GOP instead of the Dems — it would have been an equally persuasive essay. His alternative essay would have selected graphs that underpinned his narrative argument for the other case, and they too would have been carefully harvested from the totality of the macro-environment to lead his readers to his position/prescription, as would have been the assignment from his professor. As a businessperson myself (I am not in Galloway’s league by any measure), I aim to steer clear of polarizing subjects. I never want to risk alienating or losing customers/prospects/subscribers due to my personal belief system. I will continue to enjoy reading ProfGalloway’s weekly post with great interest, but really wonder if he will lose some audience members today? He’s right though…either way, we’ll both be fine. 🙂
While I always like a peacemaker and your noble utterance is said in the best of faith, the notion we will all be fine regardless of the outcome of this election is irresponsible nonsense.
We have an immigration problem created by Biden/Harris that will forever change our demographics (and thus our census and distribution of political representation) and culture and, if Kamala Harris is elected, become irreversible. That is not fine in my book.
Those sounds you hear in the background are the drums of war. The policies of the Biden/Harris have fostered a dangerous and deadly alliance amongst China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea that is currently aflame and has the real potential to start a world war at a time when the US military is the smallest and most ill-prepared (witness the failed military operation to withdraw from A’stan) its been since WWII. That is not fine in my book.
Kamala Harris was not nominated and did not win the support of Dem voters to become the party’s nominee; she is the handpicked figurehead of the Dem power elite. They pushed Biden aside and anointed her. That is not democracy as described in our Constitution and that is not fine.
Kamala is not a serious achiever who has earned her career; she is a slut who used her body to accomodate the sexual urges of an older married man and her own political aspirations. She is a terrible role model for young women. That is not fine in my book.
So, no everything is not going to be fine. Sorry.
Stop watching Fox entertainment channel and payed republican pundits. All your talking points are taken from their grievance playbook and non are accurate. Gox and Trump can lie all day long, under the cloak of “entertainment”. You all are being played.
Biden created a BIPARTISAN bill for the border…Trump single-handedly nixed it because he wanted you to stay pissed off so he’d win the election. Trump is deranged. Ask anyone that worked with him in the Whitehouse.
How am I supposed to care about this country, let alone this election, if this is how its people discuss important issues? @Jeffrey L Minch , @Jesse
@jerrery – I appreciate your concerns. What I’m hearing is we have 2 deeply flaws candidates.
What’s unfortunate to me is how easily I could write the exact same message in reverse.
Trump has multiple bankruptcies. He’s broken multiple laws. He’s cheated on multiple wives, divorced and remarried multiple times. He has decades of accusations of sexual assault and on the record misogyny. He’s a terrible role model for young men.
So now we’re stuck. Character and competence aren’t selling points for either candidate.
No great option to vote for OR vote against.
Thank you so much for highlighting this issue. Regardless of political leanings, it really needs to be talked about. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and of course acknowledging the resilience of the country and permission to disagree. The fact that we talk about these things and debate them is so important. I’m a woman but care very much about that 24% and it’s been hard for me to see so much of the “toxic masculinity” dialogue misused and over applied in a hurtful and damaging way.
As a veteran, I am struggling to imagine what the Biden/Harris admin has done to serve that constituency or what utterance by Harris has even touched on veterans. Have I missed something?
If, as you suggest, Harris is a better choice for young men, then I harken to the prospect of WWIII and the impact on young men.
I was an Army officer educated at a military school during the Vietnam War Era and saw the impact of 20 years of that conflict on the world and our country. It was an unequal burden and cost millions of lives.
The current policies of this admin and their continuation by a Harris admin assure a similar outcome even if we are able to avoid a nuclear conflict. We are headed toward war.
Kamala Harris is a woman devoid of any character or integrity who used her body to advance her personal political aspirations. She did not earn her career with hard work and vision; she took up w/ Willie Brown, a married man 30 years her senior and accomodated him sexually in an obvious and scurrilous manner. She is trash.
She is an unworthy successor to Geo Washington and other American leaders.
You should be ashamed of yourself for this nonsensical endorsement and the disinformation you have used to justify it.
What disinformation did he use in your opinion? Genuine question, thanks.
This is some fine gaslighting. I’m a firm believer that men are under attack in this country, but Ms. Harris will do nothing to help them. She and her woke minions in HR departments across corporate America are leading the charge against men. They are driving them out. They don’t want them there. I am not a Trump supporter, but if you are looking for a reason to endorse Kamala, honing in on the need to help young men is certainly laughable, if not outright insane. Harris has in no way demonstrated anything but contempt for young men. You can see it in her face and hear it in her voice. It’s predictable that you are endorsing Kamala, but you don’t need to insult the intelligence of your readers while doing so.
I agree that young men today struggle with direction, facing high unemployment, social isolation, and an uncertain future. Trump’s policies resonate with these young men economically, socially, and through traditional values that align with their needs.
Trump has championed pro-growth, job-focused policies that empower young men seeking financial independence. His emphasis on reviving domestic manufacturing, energy independence, and reducing small business regulations aligns with the aspirations of those historically reliant on manufacturing and skilled trades. This provides economic agency and the chance to be reliable providers.
Social isolation has left many young men adrift. Trump’s patriotism and focus on American traditions resonate with those who long for belonging. By promoting unity and shared values, he connects deeply with young men, advocating a culture that values masculinity and family. Kamala, by contrast, does not embrace these values.
Finally, Trump’s image as a protector appeals to young men wanting roles of responsibility. Amidst social unrest, he represents stability and strength, underscoring young men’s importance in defending American ideals. Kamala’s persona lacks this resonance; it’s about her approach, not race or gender.
Bravo and well played. Wise words. Thank you.
What a great read! These were really salient points that I think some people I know would do well to think about.
As someone who has been directly affected by alcohol abuse, and have kept that experience in mind as I found my way in college to a healthy relationship with it, I think it is a strong avenue of social interaction that should be utilized by those that don’t have that “third place” right now (not that I want to push alcohol on someone who doesn’t want it). The bar has always served me better than dating apps and is also where I’ve met many of my close friends, guy and girl. I’d be very interested in reading that post for another time.
Galloway, please be aware that the migrants entering are predominantly males. And they’re taking entry level jobs and potential wives away from our local White, Black and Latino boys/men & raising rents.
I realize you don’t wanna talk about migration hurting our boys because it’s not a good talking point for Dems, but it’s also why so many will vote Republican.
It’s the open border, and migrant flights, stupid! To paraphrase the great Carville.
How do you know that migrants are taking ‘entry level’ jobs and and potential wives? Your whole line of job and women stealing is almost 2 centuries old. It’s a tired old trope.
Disappointing article today…a word salad of cherry picked facts from the highest floors of the out-of-touch ivory tower.
“This election is — or should be — a referendum on two related things: women’s bodily autonomy and the future of men in the U.S.” — clearly the cumulative price spikes since the pandemic in housing, cars, groceries etc and the corresponding income needed to make a go of it are not on your radar…only the rate of price increases, which currently look good, gets your attention.
Secondly, your simplistic definition of masculinity — provide, protect and procreate — needs a serious upgrade. Masculinity is not just defined by roles men play in relationships and in society. A starting point for your thinking evolution about masculinity might be the book — King, Magician, Warrior, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Robery Moore and Douglas Gillette
You’re a little bitch, Stevie boy.
Keep sucking trump’s mushroom cock, that’s what’s REALLY masculine.
“LOL Republicans” is the ultimate lib troll. He’s here every week folks. A keyboard warrior (probably in his mother’s basement). Typical lib, no substance or debate over policy…just hurls insults. Good lib! You should be proud.
As the polls continue to swing back toward Trump, I despair, while agreeing that we will (probably) survive this. It might serve to provide the equal and opposite reaction we need. The fact that Trump is favored by anything approaching half of our country says a lot about the state of things, both inside the parties and inside our homes and offices. Regardless of who wins, we’re in for a bumpy, bumpy ride.
DONALD J TRUMP 2024-2028
Totally disagree with your premise that the election should be about abortion and young men. This election, and every election should be about the economy and war/peace. These are the issues that affect every American every day.
We all know Trump’s record. Enough said.
Men in women’s sports?
Transitioning kids ?
Illegal immigrants?
I had a load of respect for you Prof G, love your business articles, however when it comes to politics I find that that you are quite disconnected from what’s really happening on the ground.
I couldn’t agree more with Mike. Your arguments for Kamala render your business views suspect, at best,
There is nowhere in the country where “men in women’s sports” and “transitioning kids” are the most important things happening “on the ground”. The only place where that’s true is Fox News.
Bullshit talking point that doesn’t matter?
Bullshit talking point that doesn’t matter?
Bullshit talking point that doesn’t matter?
I have no respect for you stupid fucking marks. The right wing propaganda outlets that filled your skull cavity with shit did an excellent job. Talk about disconnected with reality.
All manufactured outrage. While I do agree that congress needs to get serious about immigration reform (it’s their job to pass laws, remember?) you’ll note all your arguments have 1 thing in common: the spread of hate, fear and outrage. First it was the women’s vote in the 20’s, then the red scare in the 50’s, then the hippies and black folk in the 60’s, then the gay folk in the 90’s. Kid’s comic books, video games and music. It’s always someone else, isn’t it?
Just a thank you
Every news outlet and social media site is still climbing in the shriek mode of communication. Its almost soothing to read your emails, even when the content is grim.
infuriating logic. i’m gonna hit you from a single angle – the fuckwit dems you adore handed off every single right & child safeguarding option to the worst men. most incels rarely leave their basement, but creepy men in dresses? they are everywhere. their illogical celebration is constant, a terrible reminder for intelligent women that we dont count. we don’t want them, we dont need them & same for anyone who does.
many women are single issue voters this round, there are men backing us. the men who dont recognise why we are? we recognise as crappy misogynists who have never seen us as more than an inconvenience.
you go on about your mother, how hard she worked, how great she is & guess what? she has right to consent, safety & equal opportunities without some wierdo perv holding an override.
men. there are so few men getting it. in 2024. women are prepared to burn this system down & keep stoking the fire until men figure it out, we dont care about your stock options WE ARE DONE.
I always like when you write on the topic of young men, Scott, but when you include one of Biden’s accomplishments as “Biden cut the deficit by one-third” I filed the entire article away as pure partisan bs.
Nope. Millions of third world illegal migrants invading our country, record inflation, idiotic woke, DEI nonsense and Russia / Ukraine war, along with Middle East disaster.
Thank you for using your voice here, Scott. You have rightly articulated the gap in the Democratic Party RE young, white males. It’s the elephant in the room and until this is properly addressed by both parties (one ignores the constituency, while the other uses them as pawns in their quest for more), this issue will fester. And at great risk to the republic.
I follow your posts and social media and find them very smart and informative. The negative comments are simply not warranted.
Thanks for using your platform to make this endorsement, despite the backlash you no doubt knew you’d receive as a result. It’s too important for anyone to sit this one out.
For those who want the Prof to “stay in his lane”, remember that the outcome of the election will have broad implications across government, business, finance, and the economic trajectory of the country, and young people in particular, all things that Scott regularly talks and writes about. This *IS* his lane, and I’m grateful for that.
I was on the fence, but after reading this, I am 100% voting GOP along with my entire family. I’m taking 4 of my friends who don’t usually vote with me to vote GOP. You dropped an anti-endorsement, friend.
Why? That makes zero sense. This is why votes are wasted due to being uninformed
Thank you for raising your voice about young men, and the unpleasant topic of politics, and then walking us through the data and reasoning. I feel hopeful about the future of America, even though we have been in a rough patch since 2016.
I think I broadly agree with your concerns about how young men are struggling, as well as your politics as I will vote Harris. But I struggle to reconcile your arguments. Democrats win the “protect” vibe because they put Walz on the ticket? Democrats win procreate because… well there’s actually no reason given there. The guardrails section, correctly, focuses on how poor women will be harmed by abortion bans, but doesn’t really link that to the fate of men (which is what you say the Democratic party needs to do).
On the economy, I think Harris will outperform Trump, but as another commenter pointed out, saying Biden “reduced the deficit by a third” is a really icky kind of cherry picking. As is the claim that GDP growth is the “best in the world.” You can be honest here and still call the economy very strong.
I think this is a real problem for the Democratic party. You’ve identified it, but this sounds more like a rationalization (see how everything is already actually great?) than a real solution. I get it, I do, and I know this is an endorsement, but I was hoping for more.
Thank you Scott. I do wish you would have endorsed her a few weeks ago and kept beating the drum. Your message would have reached many. It’s last minute now and I don’t know how many you’ll reach now.
Trump dystopian ideals do attract young confused and angry young men. Hitler attracted the discarded and disillusioned war veterans of WW1 with his rallies in the Beerhalls of Munich which launched the mostly male movement of the National Socialist Party. Trump has been using the same tactics to reach disillusioned men. Always look for an enemy as the problem. Unfortunately Fox Entertainment News (for entertainment purposes only) has been his bullhorn. Yes, it will be decided by less than a handful of COUNTIES. The Republicans will never win a popular vote election again. They need these devices to win. Algorithms are the new beerhalls.
I know this was aimed at Men, but thank you.
I so wish you’d stay out of politics. There’s no way dems can be happy with a candidate without any record of action. The only actions she takes is changing her mind on her policy positions to suit an election…the pending pivot back won’t take longer than early February after she presumably takes office. Whomever wins the election will lead this country into an unsettling four years. I prefer you stay in your lane. I’d prefer everyone who “thinks” their opinion matters would stay in their lane.
We all know Trump’s record. Enough said.
Big fan of your content right here, and I totally respect your opinion, but this wasn’t the type of content I was used /expecting to get 🙁 If this was the first newletter I would have unsubscribed.
I thought the exact same thing.
Biden cut the deficit? Wow, your credibility takes a big hit with that statement !
So sad bro
I would have been flabbergasted Prof G, if you endorsed Trump. You are commonsensical and understand human nature in a way that I cannot imagine anyone with your talent endorsing Mr. Trump. Thanks for explaining the world and its many mysteries in a way that every person can understand. Not always necessarily agreeing with your views, but always understanding your rationale.
Scott: I enjoy your newsletter and am impressed with your insight and wisdom. Your message to young men is valuable and your endorsement of the Harris / Walz ticket is spot on. Thanks for using your platform for our democracy. Best, Dennis
I’m confused. You endorse Harris but you build an entire case against it.
You state, “reclaim the Supreme Court”. Once again, Trump is the threat to democracy? Your atheists are a handful. Enjoy four more years of Donald Trump and then eight years of either Vance or DeSantis.
Harris will win but if it is not by a huge margin then we know that this country needs an update. Obesity– 65% is the physical manifestation of our personal failure to focus and avoid distraction with food and silly politics.