Boys to Men
Audio Recording by George Hahn
America has a vision of itself as the land of opportunity, with rights and liberty for everyone. That is not and has never been the reality. But for 250 years we’ve been closing that gap at a greater pace than any other multicultural democracy. Lately, however, there’s evidence we’re losing ground. Life expectancy is down, inequality is up, and our discourse has become increasingly coarse. Every segment of society, except the wealthiest, can point to setbacks. One group’s slide is particularly steep, and its decline presents a threat to the commonwealth and our prosperity: Our young men are failing, and we are failing them.
Boys start school less prepared than girls, and they’re less likely to graduate from high school and attend or graduate from college. One in seven men reports having no friends, and three of every four deaths of despair in America — suicides and drug overdoses — are men. I’ve written about this at length here, and about how it relates to declining birth rates here.
Alienation and disaffection drive despair and violence. By age 27, high school dropouts are four times more likely to be arrested, fired by their employer, on government aid, or addicted to drugs than their peers who graduated. We face declining household formation, reduced birth rates, and slowing economic growth just as baby boomers enter decades of nonproductive retirement.
The lack of an open dialogue about these issues has created a void filled by voices espousing thinly veiled misogyny, demonization of vulnerable groups, and a vision for masculinity that wants to take non-whites and women back to the fifties and Old Spain, respectively. The good news is the dialogue has become much more productive recently. There’s a growing recognition of the size and severity of the challenges facing young men, and we can now turn our focus to solutions.
The Secret to Our Success
In 1945 the U.S. economy was the “Arsenal of Democracy,” a coast-to-coast assembly line of tanks, ships, and ammunition. Forty percent of the nation’s GDP went toward the war effort. (Today we spend 3% of our GDP on the military.) But at the end of World War II that economy lost its sole customer — and in short order, we had to find jobs for 10 million young people, mostly men, leaving military service and coming home. Wages fell, rents rose, workers in every major industry went on strike, and a nationalist movement began bubbling up. Leaders of every stripe feared a return of the Depression, or worse.
Except that’s not what happened. The next 30 years brought record-low unemployment, sustained economic growth, and world-changing technological innovation. Millions of households enjoyed steady increases in their quality of life, so much so that we had to invent a new social concept: the middle class. The term “working class” couldn’t encompass the two-car garage, summer vacations, and son (and soon, daughter) heading to college that exemplified an American middle-class lifestyle. And contrary to perception, the postwar middle class was not solely the province of white men. Twenty-seven million American women entered the workforce between 1950 and 1980, increasing their participation by 50%. The percent of Black men who were in the middle class by income rose from 22% in 1940 to 68% in 1970.
Underlying this prosperity was robust state support. The G.I. Bill funded college for 2 million soldiers and home loans and small business loans for hundreds of thousands more. Truman’s housing legislation expanded the government’s role in building homes and financing home ownership. Eisenhower launched a 40-year project to build a national highway system, at a cost of over $500 billion in today’s dollars. Income taxes were progressive — the top rate was 91% — and the wealth of the biggest earners was redistributed through social programs and investments in infrastructure, education, and science.
The greatest innovation in the history of the West, the American middle class, was the product of intentional and sustained public investment. Our retreat from that vision has led to decades of prosperity, but little progress. We’ve slid into a cascading pattern of failure — to rear, educate, and employ young men. Returning to our tradition of investment could rebuild the engine of capitalism and reverse the slide in their fortunes.
Some ideas:
The day a boy walks into school, he’s behind half the class. With brains that mature later than girls’, boys almost immediately fall behind girls in school. We should “redshirt” them, just as we hold back college athletes for a year so they can develop further. This proposal comes from Richard Reeves, who wrote last year’s landmark book Of Boys and Men. He joined me on my podcast and recently left Brookings to found the American Institute of Boys and Men.
Once in school, boys have fewer male role models. Fewer than 1 in 4 teachers in America are men, down from 1 in 3 in 1980. It’s a vicious cycle, as the fewer male teachers boys see, the less interested they become in pursuing teaching themselves. Lacking male exemplars of strength, kindness, and generosity, boys look elsewhere for models. Like Andrew Tate, the global “alpha male” sensation — and an accused trafficker, rapist and self-proclaimed pimp. New York’s NYC Men Teach initiative is a good start. It’s focused on men of color, however; we need more programs encouraging men — all men — to go back to school and serve as role models for our boys.
We need more extracurricular mentoring. One of the most influential people in my life was Cy Cordner, a stockbroker I met after walking into the Dean Witter Westwood office at age 13, who taught me about stocks and markets while in junior high. Cy, along with several other men who took an interest in me, helped shape the trajectory of my life and career. So do all mentors. Kids with mentors are 81% more likely to participate in sports, 78% more likely to volunteer in their community, and twice as likely to hold a leadership position at school. We need more male mentorship programs like Building Better Men, Growing Kings, and the Mentoring Alliance.
At UCLA I joined a fraternity my freshman year. Growing up without any siblings or a present father meant there were few men in my household. The Greek system has received a great deal of warranted scrutiny for encouraging reckless behavior. Yet I would, unreservedly, advocate for a young man/woman to join a fraternity/sorority. Zeta Beta Tau shrank an unfriendly place of 30,000 people down to a group of brothers who, in their own way, cared about one another.
Within a week of pledging, my “Big Brother” told me to stop smoking so much pot and reduce my class load from four to three to ensure I did well my first quarter and gain some confidence. Commonsense advice, which I lacked as a 17-year-old male who’d never spent more than seven days away from home. Without a network of other men serving as guardrails for me, I likely would not have graduated.
Young Men
Since the 1990s, preparing our kids for college has become entrenched in our DNA as the fundamental step to a brighter future for them. The rigid emphasis on national exams and $200,000 liberal arts degrees has crowded out vocational education as a path to success and stability. Parents shouldn’t worry about children who opt for woodworking vs. computer science. Instead we should worry about men who choose day trading and pornography over building, creating, and repairing. Vocational training in Germany is a pre-employment system for youth, imbuing skills in kids at a young age even if they decide to pursue college. Establishing a household without debt and a marketable skill is key to building a foundation for a family and relationships.
Some of our greatest citizens were apprentices, including Washington (surveyor), Franklin (printer), and Revere (silversmith). We need to sustain investment in this type of training, along the lines of Biden’s $150 million Apprenticeship Building Program.
Four-year colleges are still and will likely always be a tangible path to upward mobility. We should use the leverage we have over them as their primary financiers (i.e. tax payers) to break a corrupt higher-ed cartel and expand freshman seats. I wrote about this two weeks ago: Our fight over affirmative action and legacy admissions misses the forest for the trees. We need to add more seats, not a reallocation of elites across a zero-sum game kept static by universities that aspire to be Chanel bags vs. public servants.
The vaccine to keep boys from becoming broke, lonely men is a stable childhood with male role models. Typically, that means two loving parents with reliable income and enough free time to spend with their kid. In 1960 roughly 5% of American children were born to unmarried mothers. Today that number is 40%. Between 1975 and 2020, the share of children living without one or both of their parents doubled — from 15% to 30%. Single parent environments can be loving and can produce productive citizens — I am the product of one of them. However, we shouldn’t pretend that every modern (or traditional) family is a harmonious and stable environment. Marriage isn’t the only way to build a family foundation, but it’s a potent one. Kids raised by married parents have stronger relationships with their fathers, see greater health and educational achievements, and are far less likely to experience physical/emotional/sexual abuse or poverty. Interestingly, girls are less affected by family instability and single parenthood than boys. Likely explanation: Boys are physically stronger and girls are emotionally and mentally stronger.
How to keep more parents from divorcing? A: Money. One-third of American couples say money is a major source of conflict in their relationship, and research shows financial disagreements are the strongest predictor of divorce. Economic stress is tearing at the fabric of young families today, as 35-year-old Americans have half as much wealth than they did in 1989. Meanwhile, 75-year-olds are twice as rich. We continue — via Nimbyist housing permit laws, rollbacks on child tax credits, preferential capital gains tax rates, and corporate tax loopholes — to transfer money and opportunity from young to old. Congress should continue the bipartisan effort to extend the child tax credit, which relieves some of the economic burden facing young parents.
Demographics Are Destiny
We don’t have to do any of this. But we’re barreling toward a nation of old people where over half of government spending will be on seniors, diminishing our ability to invest. As is happening in Japan and Italy, this results in an anemic economy that loses relevance on the global stage. The population decline across the West is the biggest threat to democracy. Today, 1 in 6 Americans is 65 or older — a century ago it was 1 in 20. We spend, as a percentage of GDP, 7% on seniors vs. 0.5% on children. The demographic situation is getting so dire that ratings agencies are predicting half of nations’ credit ratings will be downgraded to junk in the next 40 years. (We discussed this on Prof G Markets.)
The population “bomb” predicted in the seventies was half right: It has detonated, but it was an implosion. Democracy and capitalism need household formation, which means they need more economically and emotionally viable men to partner with women, who’ve registered exceptional, hard-fought gains. One of the primary reasons women terminate pregnancies is they feel they do not have a reliable partner.
Each year, $8 trillion worth of stocks and bonds trade hands. Of that $8 trillion, only $300 billion represents “true investment,” used to grow companies via IPOs or secondary issuances. And that’s a problem. We’ve become a nation of arbitrageurs vs. investors. We arbitrage information, distributing whatever creates the most engagement vs. pursuing the truth. We arbitrage fossil fuels and ignore the externalities. And worse yet, we arbitrage youth — milking them for capital and labor to enrich the incumbents. If there was ever a law that highlighted the war on youth, other than a minimum wage that’s below the poverty line, it’s this: student loan debt cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. A clean start, a second chance — these ideals are core to the American experience. However, our youth are sequestered from this American ideal. Think about this: The cohort not given a second chance is the generation that deserves it most, young people.
What is the point of all this? Our economy, education, laws, our society? I’d offer that the whole shooting match, the whole reason for a nation, is to create a context for deep and meaningful relationships. Deaths of despair, a lack of economic opportunity, and lost young men are all signs that our nation continues to offer prosperity but not progress. It’s time again to start investing. America needs young men, and they need us.
Life is so rich,
P.S. This week on the Prof G Pod, I spoke with Jake Tapper, CNN’s chief Washington correspondent. We discussed his latest book, “All The Demons Are Here,” and the upcoming presidential election. Listen here.
P.P.S. Last call to join my free event next week: The Threats and Opportunities of AI with me and Gary Marcus. Sign up here.
I thought Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man by Susan Faludi was great on some of the things you touch on.
Excellent overview! I’m sharing with as many people as possible! BTW – student loan debt cannot be discharged in bankruptcy? Thank Joe Biden (file under what goes around comes around OR Life is so rich) )
The elephant in the room is the ‘women’s movement’ which began in earnest in 1970. NO ONE is willing to talk about what it has done to men for fear of retaliation. However, when you recognize that opportunity is not infinite then you must recognize that by transferring so much of it to women, men then have less of it. Women in the workplace also rob children of full-time mothers which, in turn, chips away at traditional family values. Few will want to agree with this post but there are really no good ways to refute or win debate against it.
This has to be some of the most resonating content ever read in your newsletter and I’ve been an avid reader. As a woman, a girl friend to many guys, a sister to brothers only and an executive in a tech company; I can’t wait to share with them all. There is so much compassion behind your valuable analysis. (one of the variables so much missing for multiple levels of discourse on the topic) Thank you!
While my parents were divorced, my dad was always in my life as a kid. He was successful and largely a good role model. I played sports growing up and joined a fraternity in college, which I was later president of. However, when I got to adulthood, specifically the working world, I think I said to myself, “Really, this is it?” Now I’m an unmarried daytrader because it’s the most rational option.
We have an economy that has been fine tuned over decades to milk the middle class to the point where it hardly exists anymore. The primary crisis of masculinity is the fact that few men can comfortably support a family on their own. Combine that with constant feedback to quell ones manhood (and basically perpetual societal brainwashing about many aspects of life) and there’s simply no room to be any kind of actual man in the traditional sense, at least until one reaches what is considered a high level of wealth and then the world apparently reverses.
Scott doesn’t actually understand any of this or care. Much like pharma companies who benefit from a sick population, his paychecks come from the existence of the problem, not because he is offering a solution.
Sorry Scott, but the trajectory of Hyer-ed is not sustainable.
Have you ever hear of “credential inflation”? Probably not.
What’s Plan B when student loan debt reaches $5 trillion, $10 trillion or $15 trillion?
No one has even thought about the exit strategy. There is none.
I could not agree more.
As a career coach for young professionals I work with university/college grads and almost grads who are struggling to get their careers launched. They do not know who they are and what they want to do. Self-knowledge and goals build confidence and self-esteem. I find that the men are more lost than the women and that the women are more committed to the process I use and work harder at it. The lack of role models and mentors contributes to this situation. Men are, as you point out, less psychologically mature than their female cohorts – they should take at least one structured Gap Year(s) – one-third work, one-third education and one-third travel.
I think you said the most dangerous person is an unattached, unemployed and uneducated young man with a gun.
I agree and faced the same problems from a world full of greedy hypocritical convinced of their own self righteousness baby boomers, gave them all the middle finger, and joined the military. This is the group that can and will lay off your student loans, provide mentors, force you thru an apprenticeship, send you off to training, pay you, and later pay for classes at colleges with a conscience; NYU turned this disabled vet’s application away. Yes, you might get hurt or killed in uniform, but given the wasteland of boomer bullcrap and their conservative jesus baby goo goo insane word salads, I’ll pull on the kevlar and carry a piece anyday of the week and twice on Sundays. Some shit just makes sense, the rest of it can just slide, and I’m enjoying watching the boomers slide into rage against the dying of their lights.
Did you see the story about Dr. Brian T. Hyatt this morning? If you look him up, you’ll see he made headlines at Daily Mail and Little Rock Public Radio, among others, so you can choose your news source. He’s a dirtbag either way. He’s a psychologist who’s been holding patients prisoner for insurance purposes. Yes, I made a complaint against unethical editor Kaja Perina and about the psych office she’s been protecting, but if you check, you’ll see that, yes, I’ve been telling you about something that turns out to actually happen, possibly a lot, and there’s not really anywhere I can go to be heard, especially with the hypnotherapist in my head, where it can know where I’m going.
By the way, I looked it up. Dr. Brian T. Hyatt isn’t a Psychology Today writer, although I suspect Kaja Perina is kicking herself that she didn’t line up a winner like him. He did pass the rigorous standards for Psychology Today verification, though!
The issue I brought up of unethical editor Kaja Perina lending support to an unethical hypnotherapist is an important one. How many Brian T. Hyatts are writing for Psychology Today, and how many others is Kaja running interference for if someone tries asking about how to make a complaint?
The problem of Fatherlessness is one of incentives. Whilst the States receive Federal Title 4-D commi$$ion$ for maximizing Child Support by minimizing the paying parents parenting time – nothing will fix the problem. Mercifully, more states are taking Kentucky’s lead and passing legislation to stem the child trafficking – namely, a rebuttable presumption to equal shared parenting time – to end discrimination, to accord with the Supreme Court’s rulings (that parenting is a ‘fundamental right’) and because it is fucking basic common sense!
Great article. Unfortunately for young men, as long as older and wealthier individuals are in power, they will continue to make decisions more heavily favouring their best interests and likely not young men (and women).
Please, Prof G, audit a feminist or gender studies class at NYU this upcoming semester — or at least read some bell hooks or something. I think it would round out and add much needed depth/perspective to the critique here and be more palatable to 51 percent of us dominating the planet now.
A very thought-provoking analysis and dissertation. Enjoyed it immensely.
Sharp analysis as usual, Galloway. As a father I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m afraid we’re over the waterfall. Smart, caring, emotionally mature folks like you are rare. The world’s clearly spinning out of control. Mankind has made a huge mess. You’re take on the problems is spot on; your solutions are, I’m afraid, unrealistic. But I do hope I’m wrong.
Nice one!
Excellent overview!
It’s about time we start talking about misandry (the hatred of men). American women are groomed from every angle to fear and resent men. It shows up in most surprisingly places and in the subtlest of ways. From intentionally deceptive sex crime statistics. For example popular ‘stat’ 1 in 4 American women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime is insane. It includes everything from an unwanted kiss onward. The term patriarchy is tossed around every time a group/ business/ etc does not have a significant portion of women. Inversely a business is celebrated and promoted if it has all women and no men. It’s a ‘bigger’ accomplishment for a woman to do almost anything. It seems silly at first to care, but over time and millions of lives this has a corrosive effect on confidence and worth. It diminishes the accomplishment of boys more. It sets it up as an expectation, because girls are doing it too and apparently it’s harder for them.
You could write a book on this crap.
Don’t get me started on women’s anxiety either. I can’t get 5-mins into a conversation with a woman before she tells me about her “severe anxiety”. Everytime.
Maybe a little empathy would help. Women DO get a lot of crap from our masculine society and now they’re fighting back. You may find peace and purpose helping them get up onto the level playing field with men.
I sent this to my son and he said Galloway hit the nail on the head. Boys need more than role models, they need relational investment by men. Men of character! My son added the input that men need purpose and a direction. Some of this is found on the path of self discovery but often with the help of a guiding hand…..from a loving parent or wise mentor. Investment is not just capital but time and relational commitment from the older generation to the next!
Legalize prostitution, increase wages and housing supply, as well as train men for remote work. Also develop (as you mention) third spaces (more fitness facilities and coworking spaces) where young people can meet and socialize in a low stress environment. America also needs to become less car-centric and create more dense neighborhoods (15 minute cities).
Men are lacking in touch, connection, and economic security. This is purely the state’s fault. I’m 26.
Maybe fraternities provide male role models for boys without their own models, but for those with confidence in their masculinity, fraternities are just models of exclusivity, deliberately excluding their members from social contact with people outside the clique, while promoting sophomoric drinking behavior. Frats should be (and are in many cases) banned from intellectually forward-thinking colleges. Neither I nor any of my 3 sons chose to join one, for which I’m proud.
We noticed years ago that our childrens high school classmates were made up of strong women and little boys. Our society raised them that way. We raise little boys to be big little boys with very little concern for the future. We raise our girls similar to first generation immigrants; be strong, be aware, no one else is looking out for you, prepare for the future, etc. Little boys are led to believe the most important moment in life is right now, sports are paramount, the cover is much more important than the book, if it sucks quit, the future will work itself out, you’ll have plenty of time to grow up later, etc.
Excellent reasons for taking boys away from their mothers at 7 to attend the Agoge. We have a generation of boys and young men raised by women, who’s going to teach them to struggle and fight? Anyone who thinks putting on workboots or climbing into a truck cab or getting ready for class isn’t a fight is badly mistaken.
Agree 100% about the crisis in young men (<30 YO). You have some intellectually lazy comments, partuclarly about Andrew Tate. I'm an older man, and acknowlege some of Tate's commentary is vile (<5%). You obviously did zero research about the actual charges Tate faces (maybe you read a Huffpost piece online). Step it up Scott . . . you're better than that.
This summation is full of so much insight. Thank you for writing, Prof G. I think about this a lot too, how do I raise a Son who makes good choices, and how do I help my 2 Daughters choose good Men (or Men). I too agree this is a major issue and something we should look to address in early to mid childhood before it’s too late.
Great article. All makes perfect sense. But as long as government is of the geriatrics, for the geriatrics by the geriatrics with the odd libertarian thrown in serve as an inadequate disguise perhaps, there is little chance of change anywhere in the world. They took power when they were young, made policies that worked for them then and changed them as they went to along to suit their own evolving needs, consolidating power and shutting out future generations.
I completely agree, I participate in several mentoring capacities and do my best to reach back down and give people coming up the ladder another hand up. So, I’m not smart enough (or dumb enough) to run for office but maybe you should consider it, especially now that you “live” in Florida.
I feel like in most countries, like Japan & Italy, few progress will get done until the older generation are deceased kind of like the dinosaurs extinction gave way to the tiny mammals. Just like with this climate emergency, leaders seem to believe they can kick the can down another decade in hopes that nature will settle this out for them. It’s not so much laziness but rather the fear of whatever sort of consequences or side effects will be in doing what needs to be done now.
Thank you for shining the light on this issue. I fear that it is sometimes missed in society’s conversations and needs to be addressed. In the same way that we want girls to become strong women, wanting to see boys become strong (not just physically, but especially morally) men is just as important. It seems that due to the (horrendous) racism and misogyny of the past, we have set things right for other groups but failed to ensure that we show young men that they not only have value, but a very important role to play in society and the families of the future. Is this why we see boys living in their parents’ basements until their 30s and wasting their lives playing video games rather than going into the world to make a difference? Anyways, enough virtue signaling from me…
First, you are completely right about the need to engage boys and young men, to connect them to their society. That said, red shirting all boys would be a disaster for girls. Boys, as you note, are bigger, stronger, and less emotionally mature at any given age than girls. Girls are already often bullied by boys in school—putting them in class with even older, bigger, stronger boys would leave girls even more vulnerable. If you truly believe boys should start school a year later, then you need to advocate for single-sex classes.
Not just single sex classes, but boys schools and girls schools: K-12, or at least K-8. But even if we started this now it would take at least a generation to raise enough capable men to reverse the decades old single-parent-household trend. And that assumes parents and school boards somehow become capable of agreeing on such huge changes, not to mention agreeing on curricula. Furthermore, this does nothing to address the $500k cover charge for the average American couple seeking a middle-class future: $200k in higher education, $250k home, $50k automobiles. On either coast the cover charge is double that – $1M. Our youth are being gouged on every major front. Education costs need to come way down. Housing costs need to come way down.
Hi Scott – an illuminating perspective, and as always, anchored in understandable data. Thank you. For a future edited version, I’d recommend an *asterisk* – at least – for this section:
“Underlying this prosperity was robust state support. The G.I. Bill funded college for 2 million soldiers and home loans and small business loans for hundreds of thousands more. Truman’s housing legislation expanded the government’s role in building homes and financing home ownership.”
To acknowledge how resoundingly black service members were excluded from access to said state support, and for so long. Not your specific jam, I recognize, but certainly an elephant in the room.
Thanks –
Great post! It’s so refreshing to hear someone talk about young men, class, opportunities and the role of government. The Democratic Party lost it’s way when it stopped being focused on economic opportunity and public investment
A number of good points here. However, I’d point out that every country on the graph showing % of GDP spent on childhood education and care has a birth rate far lower than the US. This seems to be one of the mysteries of modern Western societies – why places that spend more on social safety nets and generous work-leave policies and childcare keep seeing falling birth rates.
Two words: house prices.
Thanks for this Prof. G! A lot of this rings true, and is obviously becoming more and more evident in society. Similar, but obviously gender specific cases could also be made for young women too. Honestly, as a whole, I think so many youth are hurting and lost more than ever in today’s superficial narcissistic social media driven culture. I sometimes wonder if a return to good ‘ol “American Values” is what is needed or if better mentoring/guidance in schools could help alleviate? I’m not sure there are any easy answers, but it is clear things need to change. I wonder what the impact of old school classes like sex-ed, home-ecc, and career counseling could have on today’s youth? I definitely don’t know the answers, but as a country, we definitely needed to re-think who we are, what our values are, and what’s important…
This problem falls squarely on the left esp. Academia and Hollywood. Scott is in the center of the Venn Diagram. Experience with a friend showed that Academia has a Soviet style justice system run by otherwise unemployable females. Just the accusation of ‘harassment’ will toss a male out of school. You have no recourse, as the testimony of may will not be considered. Mental state of female or previous suits cannot be admitted A parallel legal world. Thank to Obama administration. Gay women want the young girls to themselves, one way to get it. If you happen to have a rich dad, you can fight it. High profile case at Duke and USC show that. But the average white kid, no chance. One reason men have simply checked out. You cannot have a social life in college without the possibility of the Title9 Gulag.
It was amazing that Weinstein was called out by Hollywood, an open secret that the left dared not talk about. After all, he raised millions for Hillary. Not discussed were the famous Actresses who slept with him to get parts and to get ahead. If THEY had of come forward earlier, a lot of women would have been spared. Doesn’t fit the current narrative, so not even discussed. What ‘journalist’ would risk those cool party invites to tell the truth? Young men suffer because of the actions of Weinsteins, but also the INACTIONS of women in Hollywood.
did a bot write this comment? it reads like a bad chatgpt response.
Can’t dispute, can debate, so just a snark comment.
A perfect example of not reading/listening/understanding to the information.
F – fail
A perfect example of not reading/listening/understanding the information.
F – fail
Scott, I too grew up an only child in a one-parent family. But enough about me. Isn’t it just possible that the downward slide of young men compared to, say, the 1970s might have something to do with the full-scale entry of (at least at first) lower-paid rivals into the work force–i.e., women?
Who was paying women less for the same work, again? And who’s doing it now?
Hello – I’ve been a long time reader and listener. Please, could these notes be made available in Spanish, for Hispanic speaking / reading audiences; I would love to share this content with friends and family in that group.
Thank you,
All true. I don’t see any changes unless we are all willing to take a longer term view…like 30 yr view. Why that long? It has to be a generational change that will take at least three generations to change. Unfortunately we live in a world of ,” what have you done for me recently”. We want instant results. Unfortunately that will never be the case. We thrive on volunteering and donating for what ails us now, not next month or next year.